Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon

just a few of our piggies. it was a mess as we have had so much rain and just soaked everything but i think we have it under control now lol.

we have 12 more pens full at my buddies dads barn.
That's quite a few piggies! I have a friend from work, knows a guy in Eastern WA where he lives that raises them as well, he asked me if I'd go in 1/2's for a pig in 2016. Guy has his own quality/clean butcher shop and the friend has bought from him before, says it's great. I've only bought beef, side anyway, but never pork. Any recommendations of questions to ask?
That's quite a few piggies! I have a friend from work, knows a guy in Eastern WA where he lives that raises them as well, he asked me if I'd go in 1/2's for a pig in 2016. Guy has his own quality/clean butcher shop and the friend has bought from him before, says it's great. I've only bought beef, side anyway, but never pork. Any recommendations of questions to ask?

i would say that how they are kept is a big concern as well as what do they feed them. we don't let them roam to much in a big area because they run a lot and don't grow as well as a pig that's in a smaller area and also you don't want to many in a pen together either.

when they are first born they are all( 12-15 like the video))together in with the mother and then as we neuter( they grow bigger and are not so mean when they are neutered) the boars and separate out the sows they are put in smaller groups.

we are hooked up with two local grocery stores for all their excess fruits and veggies ( we get about 800 pounds a day) and we supplement with a mix of corn/grain/corn meal. we never feed bread products because that just gives you a fat pig and that's no good when you are paying for hanging weight.
we usually put two pigs,one cow and numerous deer per year in our freezer.

i keep it simple and just do country ribs/pork chops(some reg and some smoked) the two hams and some ham steaks. there is not a ton of sausage to be had from a pig unless you use some of the other stuff, i turn front shoulders into sausage as well because they are not much good for anything else. and of course the bacon
So tell me, do you think pigs and goats will get along / tolerate each other if in the same pasture? Reason I ask is because I've got a portion of my property that's completely overtaken by brush and other wild vegetation, I'd like to fence it and put in a few goats / brush eaters. But my brother in law suggests hogs. I don't think they will clear the land like goats will, so I was thinking about putting both of them together in there. Besides... bacon.
not really sure if they would get along or not but i would assume eventually they would learn to tolerate each other or just stay away from each other.

but pigs wont eat much other than green grass and rut in the dirt/mud( which could ruin ur land more than the sight of overgrown brush)and you cant give them to much area because they will run all their weight off and ur feeding them for nothing.
the hogs will rut up the ground, totally booger pasture, and also be hard to keep under fence( saying hog tight , bull strong ETC). the goats will be good for brush control, they can get thru fence too. and b b q goat too!

a butchered hog and a 1/4 beef is a lot of meat!!
the hogs will rut up the ground, totally booger pasture, and also be hard to keep under fence( saying hog tight , bull strong ETC). the goats will be good for brush control, they can get thru fence too. and b b q goat too!

a butchered hog and a 1/4 beef is a lot of meat!!

i have two 190 hogs one 1200 pound cow and three deer in the freezer right now lol