Modern day Superbird (picture)

lol dozens of world records that stand today on the flats, over 200 mph average at Talladega, yea that's a gimmick...

new one is ugly though...
Im lerning more every day that there no yus ting to talk to thiss childeran most of them wouldet know hores power or speed.was..if it pissed down there leg.........and im sure thy didn't know thet crhysler wrote the books on all of it..............................Artie :newb::newb::newb:sssssssss:finga::finga:em:eek:ops::eek:ops::eek:ops:can I say that:hello2::hello2::lurk::lurk:eek:oooooooooomy I did it again............
Im lerning more every day that there no yus ting to talk to thiss childeran most of them wouldet know hores power or speed.was..if it pissed down there leg.........and im sure thy didn't know thet crhysler wrote the books on all of it..............................Artie :newb::newb::newb:sssssssss:finga::finga:em:eek:ops::eek:ops::eek:ops:can I say that:hello2::hello2::lurk::lurk:eek:oooooooooomy I did it again............

That was the hardest to reply to ever read.....
MT you been in the N&P forums too long. Those have been out almost as long as the new Challenger.
the new rt &srt is mopars finest hour 50 years of muscle car evolution they got it right.dont need help from petty.
the best thing I like about it is that its not a mutilated rare original car re-creation.

being a new car its like "crunch all you want we will make more".

looks like a homer simpson car but I still like the idea has some cool throw back features and yet its new and available and possibly someone's dream come true (not mine though).


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I can't say I like, don't dislike it either.

I think that enough is now known about aero that the tall wing and nose cone they just aren't needed, Im sure a better cleaner looking approach can be done.
MT you been in the N&P forums too long. Those have been out almost as long as the new Challenger.
you probably right but I never seen one here so I put it up. I troll 90% of FABO and didn't see it so I shot it up. Share with my brethren to see what they think. Personally it's not my cut of meat but hey, who am I?
the new rt &srt is mopars finest hour 50 years of muscle car evolution they got it right.dont need help from petty.
There are so many things wrong with this post I don't know where to even start
Why are we fighting about a car thats 43 years old? Why did this arguement start from a kit thats been available for challengers for 3+ years?

WTH people. WTH...
Back to the original subject..... I think the new ones look best in black. I'm not exactly a fan of putting Plymouth decals on a Dodge, but, yeah, I'd drive one.


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Back to the original subject..... I think the new ones look best in black. I'm not exactly a fan of putting Plymouth decals on a Dodge, but, yeah, I'd drive one.

hmm i wonder if the wing needs to be that tall? seems a bit higher than the roof, damn decklids...
As tough as this looks.....I'll have to admit and say I don't know if I could drive it around casually. This view it looks good to me....


This view.....I dunno....that sucker DOES look high!! Those taillights, the bumper and the wheels is like sensory overload!!
