Mopar Action subscription

Yes, I have an unfulfilled subscription.
But I’m not going to harass anyone about subscriptions.
E berg has saved me much more money than I have spent on magazines.
I love those guy’s work.
I would love to see them come back with a digital format.
Hopefully someone will post it here if it becomes available.
There are links to Ehrenberg, Gromer and Stunkard at the bottom of the website.
I e-mailed Gromer about the subscription and got a quick response that MA was gone, but it was a personal e-mail address so I believe we can reach him and probably all authors at MA that way. I expressed my appreciation for their work and I think it would be good for others to do the same. I always thought I got the best and most accurate info from MA over any other mag, except for maybe Car Life, but that was 50 years ago!
So, I suspect all of us with "current" subscriptions pretty much lost the investment we made in them, right?
So, I suspect all of us with "current" subscriptions pretty much lost the investment we made in them, right?
Afraid so Tom, I've been grabbing them off the stand when I spot them, guess that's over for good.
Stunkard kind of explains what happened to Mopar Action magazine.
Wish there was more detail about subscribers.

That guys voice is hard to listen to. Some people speak with a pleasant tone. That guy sounds like he gargled Drano with broken glass in it.
That guys voice is hard to listen to. Some people speak with a pleasant tone. That guy sounds like he gargled Drano with broken glass in it.
I guess that's why he's a writer and not on the radio.
I've been told I have a face for radio!
I met a woman at a night club 30 years ago....she said that she worked for a local radio station.
I said "That is have the perfect face for radio..."
She was not amused. I thought it was funny.
She wasn't ugly but she had a lack of humor and that meant instant disqualification.