Mopar Team de Puerto Rico

Send pics and videos if it possible and may the Mopars WIN (if it is a contest of some kind)

I send the event flyer to the email of the forum administrator.tell him to put the flyer in the page to all the members can see it.

Mi Duster.jpg

Charlie demon.jpg
Why don't you display the flayer on this thread?
As far as the administrator is concerned, I am sure he knows best what to do without me telling him!
Hey, where are you located?
Are you from the island? Or there now?
Hi i live in Puerto Rico,the comp.sistem don't let me send the flyer to the forum because exceeds the kb bytes limit.for the forum type.if you no how can i post the flyer in the page just writed.
I resize the picture through a system on the computer.
I have Microsoft office picture manager. I click on the upper left box that says picture and a window comes down with a selection , one says resize.

Knowing the file limit size here I can adjust the picture to fit as well as crop, cut, adjust color and huges. Then click save. Once saved, I go back to the A body forum and post it up.

Thats just how I get it done on the system I like to use. Easy to use stuff is for me.
Rumblefish360 thanks for your advice.This is the Flyer of December 8,event.

evento dic 8a.jpg
This are two cars from de island of Aruba that are going to travel to Puerto Rico for the event.

dart verde aruba.jpg

mr.demon aruba.jpg