More info for loose column shifter



Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
Reaction score
nashville, tn
Ok, i posted a couple times before and now i need some more help and info. 1965 valiant slant 6 with three speed coulmn. The issue is that when im in second gear the shifter just falls out of second into neutral. I have to hold it in second (up) for it to stay. I have removed the steering wheel and turn signal switch but now i need a little more direction on what to look for and how to get to it. In ya'lls opinion, is it most likely fixable or repairable or is this something others have had to scrap? Dont have the cash to replace or put in another engine trann etc right now. Ay advice or help would be grealy appreciated. Thnx.
I have used spring washers to tighten up a linkage and stop that.
They would go between the linkage arm and the existing washer. (if there is one)
Alternatively, you can get creative with them and add as needed, and where needed.


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are you talking about the linkage in the column itself or on the other side of the firewall in the engine compartment?
Should i take the whole column out to reverse the bearings or put in the wavy washers?

I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner.

Under the hood and car is where those washers would go.
It takes some trial and error, but it does stiffen up the linkage by putting resistance at the pivot points.
So i think i got it repaired to driveable quality. On the column under the hood there was a cap tat was slid down about 3/4 inch. I pushed the cap and the "plastic bearing" back up and redrilled hoes to place set screws and it doesnt fall out of second and is stiffer. Thnx guys.