MSD Blaster ot Accel Super coil??



Mar 26, 2008
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I've always used the Msd Blaster with my 6al. Just wondering if anybody has used the Super coil or had any luck with them. I only ask because I scored a few new Super coils on a trade deal and wonder if I should just craigslist them or are they worth keeping??
I used to have consistently good results with MSD Blaster coils. Then they moved production to China and quality dropped substantially. Accel's another "used to be good before the MBAs decided y'don't need quality if you've got 'quality control'" brand.

What will be the next coil I buy? Tough to say. Really, rare is the car that needs more than a stock GM HEI coil and system can dish out.
When did MSD move their coil production to China? I bought one about 4 years ago. Did I beat the move?
All round coils shaped like stock looking ones are made overseas E.P.A. does not allow oil filled coils to be produced in this country for MSD their boxes and distributors are still produced here except for the cheaper "street-fire" line,as for which coil to use i've had excellent results running an msd-2 and can say i've never had an issue with ANY MSD product..
All round coils shaped like stock looking ones are made overseas

Not true. I bought a fresh-stock American-made one earlier this year.

E.P.A. does not allow oil filled coils to be produced in this country anymore

Not true. Lots of oil-filled transformers (including ignition coils) are still made in America. It's just the oils now used are different than the ones that were used back when transmission fluid contained sperm whale oil and gasoline contained tetraethyl lead.

Sounds like you've been getting your ideas about ignition components from Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh.
Not true. I bought a fresh-stock American-made one earlier this year.

Not true. Lots of oil-filled transformers (including ignition coils) are still made in America. It's just the oils now used are different than the ones that were used back when transmission fluid contained sperm whale oil and gasoline contained tetraethyl lead.

Sounds like you've been getting your ideas about ignition components from Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh.

Ya' whatever i got the info straight from MSD...then again your..oh never mind...
I don't know what is, or is not made here anymore!! I know that a lot of stuff is "assembled" here. About a month ago I took my 6-al apart to fix a wire I pulled out, on the circuit board there was a gold made in Mexico sticker on it. I pulled the board out and on the top side of it on a circuit there was another sticker on a Bosch part that said made in Germany. I know MSD claims made in America, but more and more **** is just assembled here
Ya' whatever i got the info straight from MSD

C'mon, let's keep it at least partly real. That would mean a company telling a fib to a customer, blaming the big bad government to avoid looking like moneygrubbing jerks who outsourced their manufacturing to China for a fatter profit. That never happens! :roll: Srsly, I'd be fascinated to hear straight from MSD exactly which law they claim exists. Chapter and verse or it doesn't exist (and it doesn't). Which is good news for everyone, isn't it? It means MSD can go back to actually being an American company instead of just pretending, right? :toothy10:

then again your..oh never mind...

Cat got your tongue…? Got somethin' to say, friend? If so, just say it!
C'mon, let's keep it at least partly real. That would mean a company telling a fib to a customer, blaming the big bad government to avoid looking like moneygrubbing jerks who outsourced their manufacturing to China for a fatter profit. That never happens! :roll: Srsly, I'd be fascinated to hear straight from MSD exactly which law they claim exists. Chapter and verse or it doesn't exist (and it doesn't). Which is good news for everyone, isn't it? It means MSD can go back to actually being an American company instead of just pretending, right? :toothy10:

Cat got your tongue…? Got somethin' to say, friend? If so, just say it!

Don't believe me call them yourself...if you think you know so much..
Er...why would I make a toll call (or a toll-free one, for that matter) to have some "Customer Service" drone tell me lies about how "the EPA won't let them" make coils in the United States any more?

LOL...thats about what i figured YOU say...........can you prove him wrong???
I have used them both as well....just wondered if one was better than the other. I prefer to keep all my **** matching, that's the only real reason I stick with the MSD stuff. I have a Accell on my 383 Duster but on the track haven't seen any difference at all between the two.

Happy Happy nothing he opened his yapper lets see him back it up with "REAL" the way Merry Christmas..