Musclecar Ministry Demon update!

I haven't forgotten about you - getting better and hope to be able to ship some parts to you by next weekend.
I didn't get to work on the car much the past couple of weeks. I've been filling in for our Bible class teacher and I have to say, I respect our Bible study teachers! It takes a lot of time to prepare a lesson plan. I spend about 6 to 8 hours a week preparing for a thirty to forty minute lesson. That doesn't leave much time for working on the car.

The more i work on this car, the more I want one of my own. This Demon is by far one of the simplest cars I've ever worked on. I think when I'm done with this one, I'm going to find one for myself!
A few more photos. Ministry/MM project car/?albumview=grid

My granddaughter ASKED to come and help with this yesterday. I had her doing more than cleaning. She ran the impact and pulled head bolts and water pump bolts, removed the spark plugs (after I broke them loose), and I let use the hammer to knock the water pump loose.

The day will be a long treasured memory!
A few more photos. Ministry/MM project car/?albumview=grid

My granddaughter ASKED to come and help with this yesterday. I had her doing more than cleaning. She ran the impact and pulled head bolts and water pump bolts, removed the spark plugs (after I broke them loose), and I let use the hammer to knock the water pump loose.

The day will be a long treasured memory!

I bet it will be remembered for a long, long time. Good for you. Teach 'em while they're young. They're the next generation of Mopar young'unns. :wav:

I took a bit of a break this month. I am extending another invitation to all Dallas Fort Worth area members to stop by the shop some Saturday. I'll post my work schedule in advance for anyone who is interested. If you'd like to be added to my e-mail list for this project, you can contact me at [email protected].

For those who haven't seen this topic, this is a men's ministry project and we're restoring this car for the church. When it's done, we'll probably show it for a couple of years and then sell it and donate the proceeds to our church's building fund.

It's a good cause and it will give us the chance to build relationships and reach out to men who need a relationship with Christ.

If anyone is interested, PM me for the address of the shop.
I took a bit of a break this month. I am extending another invitation to all Dallas Fort Worth area members to stop by the shop some Saturday. I'll post my work schedule in advance for anyone who is interested. If you'd like to be added to my e-mail list for this project, you can contact me at [email protected].

For those who haven't seen this topic, this is a men's ministry project and we're restoring this car for the church. When it's done, we'll probably show it for a couple of years and then sell it and donate the proceeds to our church's building fund.

It's a good cause and it will give us the chance to build relationships and reach out to men who need a relationship with Christ.

If anyone is interested, PM me for the address of the shop.

This actually sounds like a great ministry! Wonder if my pastor and our local men's group would be up for this sort of thing.
This actually sounds like a great ministry! Wonder if my pastor and our local men's group would be up for this sort of thing.

I bet they would and let me give you a bit of testimony. I came up with this idea over a year and half ago. Our singles group at our church bought and flipped a house and donated the proceeds to our building fund and I thought, "Why not do the same thing with a classic car"?

But, Satan planted some doubt in my mind. I was afraid to share the idea for a long time, thinking that no one would be interested, that my idea for a Christian car guy ministry wouldn't be well received, etc.

At our men's ministry supper last January, I became acquainted with our director of men's ministry and it occurred that maybe he was the person I needed to present this idea to. So I e-mailed him a couple of weeks later and presented to him.

To say that Bryan (our director of men's ministry) was enthusiastic would be an understatement. He was absolutely thrilled with the idea! After obeying the Spirit and sharing this idea for the Musclecar Ministry with Bryan, things began to Bryan found a man who put up the money to buy the car, he put me in touch with another church menber who owned the Demon, and we found a shop. All of this happened withing 30 days!

That's why this is important that you share this with your pastor. Take this idea from your mind and put it in the hands of people that God can use to help make it a reality. I learned that lesson from all of this, that, and that God can use ANY passion or hobby or interest or ours for His purpose, if we don't limit Him.
I like this idea for two reasons: 1.) it would help the men bond. Our men's ministry is once a month Saturday morning breakfasts, etc. This would give the men something beyond the church setting to allow men to be more free (cue Tim Allen's grunt noises.) The project could be an all volunteer basis, allowing the guys to work on it in free time with just some coordination to complete the project. 2.) Our church has just decided to take on a mortgage to build a new building. We'd have to come up with a way to sell the car, other than a raffle or auction, since the Methodists Social Principals are very strict on gambling...but I'm sure or pastor or DS could figure out a way.
I ran into the same issue at our church as far as a raffle goes. Our pastor does not favor holding a raffle. I don't see the issue with an auction though.

One idea we had was to take our car to Barrett Jackson or Kruse or one of the other auctions, kind of like a men's ministry road trip!
I'm not sure how the SP's read on auctions, so like I said, I'd let the pastor work on that. He's the one who's spent years in the formal ministry, so I'm sure he'd have some ideas.