My 440 got JACKED!!!



Nov 8, 2007
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Charlottesville, VA
Hey everyone this is my first post. I just recently acquired a 440 short block to swap into my 74 dart sport and replace the tired slant six. I took the block over to a body shop which my Mother and Step dad own to store for a couple days till I could work on tearing down before taking it to the machine shop for cleaning and reworking. They didn't have any room in the shop so they said i could put it out back in a moving van they had for extra storage. Long story short yesterday my mother called me and said that someone had come in the middle of the night, backed a tow truck up and jacked the storage truck! My 440 is gone! earlier that day i had bought a set of heads for the block too. What to do! The police said they have a good lead but to not get our hopes up. I am so pissed:spiderma: just venting a little bit to people who will understand my frustrations. My wife sees it as a financial lost but to me its a shot in the heart.

Sorry to hear about that. What comes around goes around and what's going to happen to the person that stole it will be far worse than what the 440 is worth. It's what I believe anyways. There is not much more I hate than a thief. That is about as low as you can go and feed off of other people hard work.
check your local scrape yards for the van. scrape is up in price. I take junk vehicles over to a N.Y. scrape yard and they are now taking drivers license numbers and a copy for thier file. every once in awhile the police come in looking for stolen vehicles. a few months ago out by Scranton Pa they were cutting catalytic convertors off of trucks while they were sitting in parking lots.
The police said they have a good lead but to not get our hopes up..
I hope they are not sitting on these guys to steal or do something worse,
Charlottesville, VA. :-k!!
The thieves are working with a toe co.These guys are dirt under our feet,
Do you have a list of some of the things that was in the moving van?
and a year model of the van and description?
I am retired and have extra time on my hands and know that we here in Arkansas has some scum that could show up in my state with stolen goods.
Sorry to here about your loss, Vent away sir.:salute: