My ADA rant



Oct 31, 2009
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I thought i should share this absurdity. I live in an apartment and yesterday i got a letter at my door about some changes that need to be made due to some new and extremely stupid ADA regulations.I know the ADA helps some people, but it also has a lot of issues like the one i'm gonna explain.

My apt is at the ground level and has a nice, but small patio. Realistically there isnt enough room for someone in a wheel chair to roll out there and turn around. But logic be damned, they are going to have some guys come out and install a ramp under the carpet so a wheel chair can roll over a 1/2" slideing class channel. So, all of these apartments get a ramp shaped lump under the carpet that will be completely useless.

I would even argue that virtually anyone could navigate a wheel chair over this little channel. And there is no mention of putting a ramp in the patio which makes even less sense.
It's not so much about being curtious to people in wheel-chairs as it is about the apt. owners covering their butts and making sure they don't catch heat from anyone. They probably look at the ADA as being a pain the *** as you do.
It's not so much about being curtious to people in wheel-chairs as it is about the apt. owners covering their butts and making sure they don't catch heat from anyone. They probably look at the ADA as being a pain the *** as you do.

oh i'm sure its the apartment wanting to avoid any chance of a lawsuit. Even if the suit is completely frivilous and unjustified. Its just annoying that they're probably gonna have these guys at the apt at like 7am when i work late at night and then there is gonna be a big lump in the room(that people may trip over depending on how its made)
Makes no sense if you have a current lease. Retrofits can't be mandated unless a new tenant is moving into the space. F'em. :thebirdm: Don't open your door when the workmen come.