My best friend

I can't even imagine the pain. Sorry for your loss. There are just no words for this.

I know the day my buddy leaves me, I'm going too. I've learned very recently that my dog, Duke, is my best friend without a doubt. I've had to deal with some super thick stuff the last couple months involving my "best friend" since kindergarten, and my dog is still by my side.
I have lost my far share and swore I would never have another hart brake in my life
I always had a dog in my life and did with out one for a few weeks and had to fill the void in my life, So sorry for your loss, it's tuff on us that give these animals a home that we out liv.
So I put Buddy in my life about 16 mouths ago :color:
He keeps me sane and always looking out for me on the hill here in Arkansas.

My extra set of eye's and ears to care and love in my life


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I have lost my far share and swore I would never have another hart brake in my life
I always had a dog in my life and did with out one for a few weeks and had to fill the void in my life, So sorry for your loss, it's tuff on us that give these animals a home that we out liv.
So I put Buddy in my life about 16 mouths ago :color:
He keeps me sane and always looking out for me on the hill here in Arkansas.

My extra set of eye's and ears to care and love in my life

Quite the pal you got there Mike! :D I pretty much didn't sleep last night because I kept anticipating waking up to let my baby outside...8 yrs I always saw her silly face, jusst going to be a tough adjustment for me. I don't have kids and she was like mine.
Quite the pal you got there Mike! :D I pretty much didn't sleep last night because I kept anticipating waking up to let my baby outside...8 yrs I always saw her silly face, jusst going to be a tough adjustment for me. I don't have kids and she was like mine.
Thank you :smile: he is my only child at home, My children have there own children and it's just me and the wife at home, I know exactly how you feel, I lost Socket about 18 mouths ago and would wake up to let him run in the mornings and to look outside at the empty dog house was hard on me so I moved it behind my out building. Socket was with me about 9 years and that little hippy I call Boogy has been with us 12 years know and put's up with Buddy, Over look the word's, I sent that picture to Nella one day.


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Here are a couple more of my girl, i want to thank all of my FABO friends for the kind words, it really means a lot to me


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I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I've lost two over the years and have two rescues right now. After the last two I was so busted up I waited over 7 years to get another. Don't make my mistake and wait too long.
Sorry for your loss. I lost my dog Guinness in 2009, still miss him a lot.


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Sorry about the loss of your friend.. Just remember the good life you provided for her, and feel comfort in the fact that she enjoyed her time with you.

My family is devastated. We lost our Légolas monday morning. He was almost completely recovered last friday and saturday morning he was in very bad shape again and from there it was worse and worse.
He was my best friend for 9 years. I'm grateful for that. I was feeling well yesterday but today I'm very bad. Last night was the first night without Légolas and I woke up several times because I thought I heard him shaking in the garden like he did every night. He loved us, he protected us, he never asked for nothing and crying is not enough. I feel I could have done something else to keep him alive.
I'll never forget my best friend.


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I am so sorry for the lose of your family member. I lost my best friend of thirteen years, I keep her ashes on the fire place mantle with a pic of her. They are family no matter what. They are always glad to see you no matter how shitty your days has been, they will always be there when you need a friend, they always listen when you have problems and thier love is unwavering.....
I think we all know what its like to lose a family member, ive had to bury a dog, his name was wiley, german shepard, he was part of the family since i was born, we had him for 14 years, 2 months ago i lost my sylvee, my calico cat, rescued her from the pound. She was hit by a car, Toyota, i want to hurt that driver right now.
Losing a family member is tough. Very sorry to hear about your loss.
Never had a dog when I was younger and lived with my parents. I always thought it foolish how dog owners would react when this situation happened.
We got a poodle for my kids 14 years ago. Sandy left us almost a year ago.
I cried like a baby, I miss her still, and I don't think it foolish any longer! She was an awesome friend and truly a family member.
...........Sorry to hear of the losses u guys have suffered.....its tough i know as i've lost a few prayers r with