My Duster is a nuisance...



FABO Rice Hater
Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
Fort Collins,Colorado
Well it started yesterday after I fixed my brakes and went down the block for atest drive.I did a u-turn and went back down the same street when some A**Hole ran in front of my car to stop me(good thing my brakes did work)and pointed his finger at me and told me THERE ARE KIDS RIDING BIKES AROUND HERE YOU NEED TO SLOW THE F**K DOWN!The thing is I WASNT even going fast,not even over 15mph and I told him I wasnt even freaking speeding or hot rodding .He then said DONT MAKE ME HAVE TO F**KING TELL YOU AGAIN!I was like ok whatever,so that killed my mood to even drive he car anymore and I went home.Then today,I went to move the Duster so i could work on my GLH and not more then 30 mins later a cop comes to my house and tells me the people that live 3 houses down from me are complaining that I woke their 1 yr old baby up and that my car is loud and a NUISANCE!And this was at 1pm this afternoon.My cars not even that loud I even showed the officer it has mufflers.I didnt even want to freakin mess with the car anymore.I really wish i lived out in the country where I dont live around A**HOLES.:angry7:
The thing to is I live on a street where city trucks rumble by,sometimes loud *** Harleys come rumbling by.=(
I live out in the sticks. As I was reading your post kid came buy on a dirt bike, full throttle after five shifts. He left a bit of a dust cloud, but my house is a couple hundred feet off the road.....
i say drive it MORE. As long as everything is legal drive it around and piss him off! Hes just jealous he has to drive a prius around!
Yep if it is 100% legal I would make a point to drive it more. If you are under the speed limit and legal they can't do $h!t .
I had some dumb ***** do that to me one time. I was going about 15 and goosed the car. It had something like 2:76 gears (77 Charger SE) but it had Flowmasters. It made a BLRRP sound real quick. Never even got up to the 25 speed limit when she yelled at me to "slow it down". That didn't work for her. It just cause all my friends to drive their loud cars past her house when they came to visit, which was often. her husband was allowed to ride his pos loud harley though.

I'd drive that car of your all the time if I were you. Sounds like the guy just wants to *****.
Some people just want something to complain about :angry7:and when they don't have anything to complain about they make something up..... I would drive it around the block 10 times a day at the same time he complained, but keep an eye out some folks are just plain crazy 8) and I bet the police know it already :-D

you are a better man than me and I'll leave it at that. There would be some sort of mobile medical attention vehicle as well as a municipal authority involved in short order...
I completely understand. Me and my wife were out cruising around and had the same thing happen. Some A.H. told me to "slow down!" even though I was doing the posted speed limit (25mph). My car isn't even that loud compared to the dozens of harley's that drive up and down my street. Yes there were kids playing in the street, but I was super careful and was watching out. Sometimes people want to ***** just to hear themselves talk...especially when there is a crowd around. It really ruined my day. :angry7:

you are a better man than me and I'll leave it at that. There would be some sort of mobile medical attention vehicle as well as a municipal authority involved in short order...

Would that be the alligator mouth/parakeet *** deal. It's one thing to ask someone to do something, it's another to do something like that and be agro about it.

I got the same thing in my Dart from the self appointed neighborhood safety marshall. I was idling down the street!

I would have fired the car up for the officer and then voiced my issue with "don't make me... "
I had a neighbor once who bitched about my car, so my buddy, who has a 67 Camaro, with a 427, minimum sound reduction by the mufflers, and runs 4.56 gears in the *** would run past her house in first gear @ 20-25, with the engine screaming just to piss her off
I had some dumb ***** do that to me one time. I was going about 15 and goosed the car. It had something like 2:76 gears (77 Charger SE) but it had Flowmasters. It made a BLRRP sound real quick. Never even got up to the 25 speed limit when she yelled at me to "slow it down". That didn't work for her. It just cause all my friends to drive their loud cars past her house when they came to visit, which was often. her husband was allowed to ride his pos loud harley though.

I'd drive that car of your all the time if I were you. Sounds like the guy just wants to *****.

Hey watch the pos Harley comments. Some of us have mopars and harleys.
Only those who are doing something wrong should ever feel any guilt. So, if all you are doing is driving real easy, they will eventually get over it. Yes, it will be a pain in the butt, but, if there are other neighbors around when you drive, have them speak up for you. Your car is only a nuisance if you let them make it so!
I think anywhere that there are neighbors in relatively close proximity there is bound to be a "complainer"

don't let it get you down.

where I use to live there were a couple people like that.....they would always hollar at me because my exhaust was to loud or if I drove down the street after building a car IN MID DAY with open headers they would yell at me to SLOW THE FU*& down when it "sounded" like I was going fast but when I was actually doing the speed limit.

even had one guy that lived 2 blocks over get his helmet and all his gear on and cruise around on his motorcycle until he seen my car just so he could stop at my house and give me a lecture and I told him over and over again I WAS DOING THE SPEED LIMIT.

and what REALLY GOT ME....was this guy was on the sex offenders list for touching kids years and years and years ago....but I stayed shut up and pretty much let everything he had to say go ing one ear and out the other so he would hurry up and leave LOL.

now where I live I am in even closer proximity to my neighbors and I have a guy a few houses down that likes to complain when a vehicle is reved up and who came over in the mkiddle of the day one time that told me I needed to put my camp fire out because his wife has breathing issues or something.

my dad was over here one day and working on a truck and reved it up a bunch while he was working on it and that neighbor came out side and sat at his fence staring at us for like 15 minutes and I finally said to my dad "that neighbor has been watching you this hole time....what do you want to bet he is going to start some crap" my dad hops out of the truck and looks at him and say " GET THE F*c! BACK INSIDE!!!!" and then the neighbor said something and my dad offered to let him feel what a size 10 leather felt like ....and then he said he was going to call the cops and my dad so GO AHEAD ITS THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY , NOT AFTER 9 YET BUDDY.

and he never called the cops...and so far he hasnt given us any BS since.

I guess my point is.....if you have not done anything wrong and you are legal about everything.....then one sure fire way is to stand up for yourself when the "bully" starts pulling his crap.

and if you tell the guy "look, im not speeding....its the middle of the exhaust is not to loud according to the police and I have done nothing wrong" and he will either walk away with a disgusted look on his face, try to argue with you as you pull away smiling,agree and say sorry OR he will offer to which case you do nothing and let him punch you and then you laugh as he goes to jail and you continue to drive your car LOL.

don't let it get to you though and don't let them stop you from enjoying your car!!!.

I fired my duster up yesterday and pulled down my driveway and turned around and pulled it back in the garage and when I shut the car off I could hear the people down the road honking there horn and cheering because they have walked by and seen the duster in the garage for so long but never heard or seen it that was a good change instead of neighbor hood complainers lol
It sucks when you have $hitty neighbours. Did you fire the car up let the cop hear it?? Even if it is a little loud, cop will love the rumble. I would have also informed the cop about the a$$hole who squawked in the 1st place. Show the cop you're a normal guy that loves mopars and not a clown that is terrorizing the neighbourhood! Having a cop on your side is a definite bonus! When younger I was usually on the bad side of them.
This is to all the people that live around you.

When is the noise ordinance in affect? Did the cop bring the decible meter?

I just fired my car up, finally, with open headers! Sounded great too! I wasn't to worried as the local Top Fuel Dragster is always being fired up and dialed in!

As others have stated its time to drive it more often!
Glad I live down south of you! :) But there are a lot of people like that around lately.

My neighbors are pretty cool about my truck and the son's Duster project, had a bunch of them stop by on Sunday when it finally moved under it's own power up the driveway. Think they were just happy that I didn't ask them to come and help push it again, since I've asked them a time or two.

The key is if things are legal, do what you want and stand up for your rights. A buddy and I were testing his Chevelle one time, a 64 with a 283 and open headers and just took it around a couple of blocks, doubt if we got above 20 the entire time, but a guy came running out from his yard with a shovel and slammed it on the hood and said fu!*ing slow down. We shut it off, called the cops on my cell and waited in the middle of the street until they got there. The cops checked over the car, said it wasn't too loud, gave the ahole a summons for property damage. Ended up with a new paint job on the Chevelle, which was next up on the list of things anyways.
neighbor probillay had 4 or 5 mommy and daddy cosigned for mustang 5.0's drive by before you and you just happened to be the last one by you did nothing wrong i'd do it again
I'd keep driving it man. 100%. Its your right to enjoy your vehicle as long as you are doing it legally. He can suck a big fatty if he has a problem with it. And get the cops to be on your side more than his and you will be more than 100% golden. But if your legal, you are good to go!
I try to be considerate in my neighborhood and I wave at everybody everytime I see them.
If I am in the Dart, it is a quick (30 second) warm-up and basically idle on out.
We had one guy that lived down the street that thought my road was the front straight and he was driving an F1 car, getting up to about 60 before the turn. A couple of people complained to him to no avail.....
It is amazing what a kids basketball rolled out in front of him will do to slow him down.
He soon moved out.
I would keep driving the car every single day. Cop can't ticket you if your not doing anything wrong. F#*k 'em, some people have nothing better to do.