My nephew the brony

Gee ya think !!!! LOL

I agree, thats some queer ****. I got 3 girls, and a 21month old boy. My boy and i play with blocks, and hot wheels cars, go to lowes and home depot (the man stores) play wrestle on the liv room floor. I tell my girls he is a boy, you have to play boy stuff with him.

I wont let my girls chick a fie my son. That being said my youngest daughter has a my little pony coloring book. Those things are creepy looking with the freakishly big eyes and all.

I presume since he spent most of his time w mom and an older sister this may have influenced this. Its a screwed up fetish like guys who like womens feet. My boy and i are doing guy things, this teaches him how to be a man as he grows up. Kids need both parents actively involved in their lives. Its obvious his father wasnt present for most of his.

But like someone else said on this thread he aint your kid, it aint your problem.

Just my .02

I wasn't necessarily saying gay as an insult, the awkward bit isnt the gay part. Its the "lets dress like ponies and do gay stuff" that is creepy and strange. Plenty of straight people do the Furries fetish, and that is just as bizzare. Well, maybe slightly less since its not based on a children's show

btw, foot fetishes are the most common and there is no direct cause as to why people develop fetishes. So you can hedge your bets on "guy stuff", but that may or may not have any effect on what your kid finds attractive as an adult.
I wasn't necessarily saying gay as an insult.

I am sure you werent, but i was LOL. That **** is some of the funniest i have ever seen, next to the people of walmart pix that go around the internet.

A coworker of mine and i were at lunch today, and he was griping about his stepson with his goth look in all black, and him being in a scream band. I showed him this thread, and told him the grass isnt always greener on the other side of the pasture. It could be worse, your kid could be dressing up like my little pony.

I guess a goth scream band teenager doesnt seem so bad now LOL.

Problem is, thats the minority, most of the girls look like the guy in your earlier post.
Not hijacking, just posting this because it seems you may be unaware of the website:

Be warned, not always work safe.

^ they wish they could be bronies.

Oh yeah, i know about that site. LOL too funny. The freaks come out at night to go to Walmart, even in little ole Abilene Texas. I need to put my phone camera on quiet mode and snap some of my own people of walmart pix.

Heres the screwed up thing, with the world wide web people in other countries end up thinking we are all freaks like this stuff off the net.

This is the creepiest thing I've heard of in a long time. That boy is a loser and a child molester in the making. Too late now to change this guy. He will be making the papers at some point.
Issue 1- I believe the term is "Wal-martians".

Issue 2- (placing my man card on the table) I did catch an "MLP" episode a few months ago.
It delt with an alternate universe where one of the "pony" characters was living as a human, and there was conflict between "good and evil" and between loyalty to different groups of friends.

I must say, the writing was fairly good, and way above average for a "kid's show".