My nieghbor is stealing my Tomato plants!!

I think I seen the 300 yard shooter with 4 other rifles in the shop yesterday=P~

Dang I wish I lived closer to Bill :cheers:he would have to run me off every day.
I went to Sequim Wa. with a friend to pick up a boat, the guys house was in a development on what is known as Bell Hill which is prime elk habitat.

We where having a beer on his deck and I asked him how come his nieghbors
had elk fences around their yard, but he didn't?
He said "where else can you get your morning cup of coffee go out on your deck and watch a 6 point bull elk rip your rose bushes out.
340 dart I hunted behind the little white house at the top of the gravel hill, across from the buffalo but they are gone now.There are goats in the Alfalfa field with 2 of the biggest white dogs you have ever seen. Aloy of deer though, alot.
If you are talking about the house with the big red barn off to the left and behind it, that was my Great Grandmothers place. The cave I was talking about is on her property to the left of the house and about 75 yards from where the treeline starts. I think they sold it a few years back when she passed.

My Grandfather lives next door in that little green trailer. He has a mill next to the road powered by a tractor and still makes axe handles and stuff for extra money. The alfafa field I used to hunt in is a couple hundred yards behind his house. He is Guy Crites, you might know him.

In between the two houses but accross the road in the field where the Buffalo were there is a pond that has some bass, catfish, and lots of bluegill in it. We had permission to fish there as kids, but it sure was scary walking through all of the Buffalo to get to the pond.:-D
Don't know how much truth there is in it, but I was told that deer avoid gardens if you sprinkle human hair around the perimeter. Might be worth a trip to the barber's shop.
Hey 340 Dart: I wave at Guy everytime i drive by if he's out putzin in the yard. It's been about a month since i've been by. That alfalfa field i think belonged to Mike Ball. Now Randy Atkisson owns it and the two ponds across the road belong to Bill Dugan. He's a PT at the hospital. You know his wife was bad off and she died sometime ago. The geese fly into there all the time but Bill wont let me blast em. I know right where your talking about. I live only 2 miles from Guy.
Small Block
Can't afford any more haircuts, every hair is sacrid at my age! I have heard they hate the smell of mothballs.
Can't afford any more haircuts, every hair is sacrid at my age! I have heard they hate the smell of mothballs.

LOL I know the feeling Tony! As soon as my hair started to thin out a little I started shaving the rest off.
Oh I want him to come back but not to eat my garden! He will look good in the freezer! If a guy goes hungry in the Ozarks he has no skills whatsoever.

I am not ready for the full smoothie treatment yet Badawg but I can tell you I feel it in my imediate future!!
Hey 340 Dart: I wave at Guy everytime i drive by if he's out putzin in the yard. It's been about a month since i've been by. That alfalfa field i think belonged to Mike Ball. Now Randy Atkisson owns it and the two ponds across the road belong to Bill Dugan. He's a PT at the hospital. You know his wife was bad off and she died sometime ago. The geese fly into there all the time but Bill wont let me blast em. I know right where your talking about. I live only 2 miles from Guy.
Small Block
Man, it is a small world.
Pretty cool to be able to talk about home like this. 8)
I Had The Same Problem In January.
