My wife was furious when she found this on the dresser

Your like me, but i live alone, so no complaining around here.
What my counter top looked like yesterday, at my place.

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Then you can use your dishwasher as a parts washer.
Here’s my stuff laying around the house, the rollout bed makes a good display. The wife don’t care, too bad I lost all of them in a boating accident.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you filed a police report. I men, after all, we wouldn't want anybody to think those are anyplace other than the bottom of a lake. :lol: :lol:
Isn't it crazy how boats can just tip at the worst times?

Then you can use your dishwasher as a parts washer.

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you filed a police report. I men, after all, we wouldn't want anybody to think those are anyplace other than the bottom of a lake. :lol: :lol:
Sadly, the ammunition is a total loss too.
No, just a joke! Smells awful, ruins an oven for food. Not sure, might be toxic. Last I saw, if you do try powdercoating at home, the oven needs to be an old one dedicated for that.
I keep this in the closet.........

This was my kitchen table a few years back when I decided to build the blower engine. My wife was alright with it as long as I moved it shortly after the photo was taken. lol


