Need Barracuda Fish Emblem pics



Superior Member
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
Meridian, Idaho
Ok so a lot of you know that I have a friend that has a CNC Plasma cutting machine. He has been making all kinds of signs. We have tried to do the Barracuda fish Emblem and not finding any good pics that we can go off of.
I need some good, straight on shots of the emblems. The larger the better. Try to keep sun glimmer, flash glimmer off the emblem as you take the pic.
I need at least 5 or 6 good shots so we can mess with each one and see what we can come up with. IF someone can even do a black and white shot of it that would be cool.

So.... post some Barracuda fish emblems please ! Lets see what we can come up with !

Thanks !

I have this one also in a higher res, if you want to use it.
Just PM me with your e-mail and I will send the higher res one to you.

I have a black an white barracuda logo I made for a member that I used to make a vinyl sticker it would be perfect for you to use since I had to run it through a CNC program that my vinyl plotter runs on.....

actually...valentek, wasnt it you i made the sticker for?
If some pictures up to show RPM how precise the lines came out on the sticker based of the rendering I worked with if you would.
Here is a picture of my air cleaner with the sticker that was made by dusterdude, from the picture I posted.


the black and white Graphic might work. We can maybe combine that with the a circle around it and maybe int th circle have letters cut out that says
"Barracuda" ??

thoughts ?

More pics welcome !

When I did the Barracuda pictures, I flipped a 68 fish around to be correct for the 69 emblem. Just flip the fish ie. mirror it with your graphics program.
The 69 has the fish on each fender swimming towards the front end, don't they? That would make 1 swimming to the right and one swimming to the left?
ya we can flip the fish I think no prob.

thanks guys.. we will get to work on these again...

ya all better buy them up when done ! lol !

Hi Scott, here are some more, the quality may be poor but I will let u decide. Count me in for one without the circle LOL Mines a 69

DSCF0741 (Medium).JPG

DSCF0737 (Medium).JPG

DSCF0740 (Medium).JPG

DSCF0734 (Medium).JPG
It will prob be the one with the circle. Helps give the sign some material. We will play with it though.

Personally I would think the emblem as is without any wording.

Sometimes less is more.

Waiting to see how they come out before making a commitment.
I know it could be done, but I dont know $$$ wise if it makes sense, but instead of the circle around the fish, could you put the words "barracuda" kinda semi circle?? Maybe start the "B" at 8 oclock and have the "A" end at 4 oclock and it comes over top of the fish?? Or reverse it, start the"B" at 10 and run underneath and have the "A" stop at 2?? Ok no more lefthanders for me!!