Need help looking for a carport



Mopar freak
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
CA (unfortunatly)
i will be parking my car in the open here shortly so i would like it in a car port

when winter comes around there will be snow and a possibility of a buildup of two feet

we do see wind up here as well but i will tie it down

What kind do you use? How do you like it?
and what did you pay?(if you dont want to say on the thread please pm me)

thanks in advance

I might be able to give you a few pointers that will help. I sell carports here in MO for a company called American Steel. They service several states but I don't know if they go that far west (I'm at home and don't have the info here).
My biggest seller is a standard 18'x21' that will hold 2 vehicles. These sell for $795+ sales tax. These have uprights that are 5' tall and 5' apart. So a 21' carport has 5 on each side and the roof extends 6" over on each end. The peak of the roof is approximately 3' taller than the sides. This type has the metal sheeting running longitudally and the corners where the roof meets the sides are rounded. Each end has a trim piece also. Top and trim can be any color combination (11 colors) for no additional cost. As far as pricing goes there isn't much variation between manufacturers. I see some similar to mine for $100 less but the structural tubing isn't as large, it will slide into mine. Mine come with 'temporary' anchors which is a piece of rebar with a nut welded to it which is driven into the ground. I believe they use one at each corner. There are optional anchors for use on asphalt or concrete ($8 each) and 'mobile home' anchors ($20 each) for securing on ground. My demo has 2 of these but they will give you a lifetime warranty on wind damage if you put 3 on each side.
This company makes sure their carports conform to the building codes of the area they are installed in so you will want to check that. I'm not sure about the roof load for 2' of snow as we don't get that much here but I know you can get optional extra bracing. So you will need to check into that also.
It doesn't cost much to go higher, I think it's $50 per foot on the base model. Where costs start to add up is enclosing it. It's not too bad for the sides as it's only a few more sheets of tin but it's quite a bit for the ends as there has to be more bracing. It also doesn't cost too much to go longer (5' increments). Wider ones cost quite a bit more as the bracing has to be heavier for the increased roof load.
Of course, there are many options as well as other styles of carports. This company also sells an 'A-frame" type which has a more conventional roof.
I hope this helps some and I didn't overload you with info. I would check around with owners locally and see who installed theirs and what kind of warranty they had. I would also call a couple of sellers of different brands and see if any had a distinct advantage in either price or quality.
I don't have a real clear pic of mine but I can send you a pic if you need it.
looking more for a temporary car port with a tarp

if it were my house i would install a metal one like you are talking about

but i wont live at this house for more than a year

Thank you so much for taking the time to write that up and i will put that in a document for future references

