Need info on Duster

Nice find!

The '73 340 cars are getting better money these days than they used to. Still not up into '70-'72 territory, but they are getting to be a little more sought after.

That said, I'd never put a vinyl top back on anything. Texas probably is one of the few places you might be able to get away with it, but even if the car never sees rain you still have to wash it. And, even if you keep the top dry then, you can still get condensation between the vinyl and the roof skin when the temperature changes, even if its in a garage. Not any different than putting your car under a tarp.

The silver color isn't a super popular one, I'd keep it JA5. You don't see a lot of them, and it's a good looking color. The high impact colors have been done to death for the most part, I get tired of looking at 'em.