Need some schooling on vitamins and supplements please?

Be careful with testosterone replacements. Can't speak for otc ones but...
I am on a prescribed trt. One of the side effects of it is it increas your hemoglobin and hematocrit as well. What this does is increase your red blood cells, lowering your ability to carry oxygen in your blood. Turns your blood into more of a slurry, increasing your risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Honestly, don't go screwing around with your hormones without medical guidance. While back my total testosterone was 2.5× the high end. Endocrinologist freaked out over it and took me the tet. Went from being 2.5× the high end to about 65% of the end...didn't feel a damn bit of difference.
About 20 years ago, I broke my leg. Mid 40's. The Dr. that took care of me, told me x-rays showed signs of arthritis. I asked him what to do, and his reply was to stay active, and take just plain glucosomine. I can tell that it helps, because if I get off of it, I really start aching. I also take magnesium, because of something in my bp meds. I have my blood checked every three months, and my Dr. says he wishes his results were that good. I was told by the Dr. I had back in my 20's, that taking vitamins you don't need, can actually be hard on your kidney's.