need tips for buying from a hoarder lol



Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2013
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so i just found a 65 dodge dart 2 door post car sitting in a yard full of old cars. i mean full... i need parts for my dart gt project. plus it would be fun to see what else is hidden behind the fences. does anyone have any tips for approaching this person lol...
Don't tell him you need it for parts. May not like the idea. Tell him you want to restore it.
Don't tell him you need it for parts. May not like the idea. Tell him you want to restore it.

^ this usually works.Most "hoarders" are the "I'am gona' restore/rebuild/hot rod it some day" types.
But they Never get around to it for some reason or another.

ps: I just missed out on 2 65 dart GT's this past weekend,both had 273's -_-
^ this usually works.Most "hoarders" are the "I'am gona' restore/rebuild/hot rod it some day" types.
But they Never get around to it for some reason or another.

ps: I just missed out on 2 65 dart GT's this past weekend,both had 273's -_-

what really... that sucks bad. were they local? as for this car that is the plan of attack. i am hoping to buy it complete.
what really... that sucks bad. were they local? as for this car that is the plan of attack. i am hoping to buy it complete.

Ya, semi in around Brigham/Honeyville area from what I was being told....both for $600 or were going to the scrapper ><

Buddy told me one of his friends had em, but somebody in Logan was picking em up.
Also was told by another friend that he sent somebody up that way to pick them up as regardless somebody got a killer deal and saved them both it sounds like.
Ya, semi in around Brigham/Honeyville area from what I was being told....both for $600 or were going to the scrapper ><

Buddy told me one of his friends had em, but somebody in Logan was picking em up.
Also was told by another friend that he sent somebody up that way to pick them up as regardless somebody got a killer deal and saved them both it sounds like.

that is good and it kinda suxs lol. sounds like someone got a great deal. wish i had the luck to find deals like this.
Not all 'hoarders' are the same in every respect.

Some are folks that have dreamt about owning every car they ever wanted and glommed onto every part and piece they could find to help them 'someday' achieve that goal.

Some are guys that have simply owned a lot of different vehicles over the years and parked them out back when they stopped working. They didn't get rid of them because there was always that chance that they would need a part off them one day.

Some have held onto the cars because they had seen the values of old cars steadily rise over time and figure that whatever they could get for them now will be less than what they'd be worth down the road.

Some are anti-social and have held onto them because they have stubbornly held their ground while others have asked them 'why keep all that junk?'

Some guys are just super comfortable having all of it. Although a lot of smaller junk yards have gone away, they feel at home surrounded by it all just the way it is.

Dealing with someone that you term a 'hoarder' is a lot the same as dealing with anyone else. If they are not a motivated seller then you have to find a way to motivate them. Find out what their passion is. - What makes them tic. They won't sell to you if they don't like you. - If they feel coerced or if they think that you're trying to take advantage of them why would they deal with you. Remember they are NOT motivated sellers.

I don't recommend that people try to manipulate someone to take advantage of them. But until you can get inside the heads of these 'hoarders' it will be difficult to make any transactions.

A guy that has always dreamt of having a really nicely restored car some day but is now surrounded by derelict vehicles instead may be swayed by someone that is offering him something that he wants. - Possibly something that helps him achieve his goal. And the same is true with any hoarder. They are each unmotivated to sell what they've got. You have to find something that they do want more.

In some cases it may be as simple as companionship. Although they won't sell to a stranger, they might to someone that they feel a connection with.
well put. i have heard this exact thing about this gentleman. i have always wanted to stop and try to talk with him about his collection. i kinda hate knowing this car is there now do to i would hate for him to think that is my main reason to enter his yard.
Hmmm;he isn't stupid so honesty is the best policy.
Hmmm;he isn't stupid so honesty is the best policy.

Yup. Honesty is definitely the best policy here. I know that if I feel someone is not being honest with me I don't want to do business with them. The price of admission here is that you will most likely have to find out what he wants/needs and that will be your bargaining chip. That does not mean lying to him or bullshitting him.
Not all 'hoarders' are the same in every respect.

Some guys are just super comfortable having all of it. Although a lot of smaller junk yards have gone away, they feel at home surrounded by it all just the way it is.

In some cases it may be as simple as companionship. Although they won't sell to a stranger, they might to someone that they feel a connection with.

Ding ding

I have been labeled a hoarder before because I have a lot of cars round back, I mean quite a few. I didn't do it on purpose but my family used to be in the salvage business and when the business went down I grabbed what I could because if not then it would go to crush because when a salvage yard goes out of business and the land is sold then everything goes, even the office building in this case.

My cousin came along and added to the pile and now we have two peoples collections going in one barn and back yard which is a nitemare. Most of it I save just because its cool. what's cooler than a cool old mopar? TWO old mopars!!!

Best advice to approach the person with a lot of spare parts. Be honest and drive your old car there with you. When I see a cat show up asking for parts in a new Toyota, my first thought is "here is a another goddamn flipper trying to get rich on my ****" (where is the shot gun)

When a guy shows up in his car then I know he is a car guy because he is driving his car like a real car guy and it makes me want to dig through the pile to see what we can bolt to his car.

Its not about the money, its about completing the puzzle and a car that needs odds and ends is a fun thing to a "hoarder" That is why we save everything because you never know when that odd clip, bolt, or small piece, will complete another puzzle.

I have given away a lot of stuff like that before but I do know the value of certain things so its a balance.

Talking and to the owners and being genuine is the key and don't make any assumptions as to why they save everything, they just do, end of story.
Well I stopped and talked with him for over 2 hrs. Super nice guy. Over 150 in yard. He wants to resort them. Maybe sell some. Walked his yard. Just a couple of cars found. .1963 or 64 dart convertible v8 car. That 65 dart. 69 charger big block car buckets, and floor auto. 70 charger painted general lee. Big block car. 1970 duster 340 car with 4 speed. Hemi orange. 69 coronet 440. All full cars. This is a quick walk though. Got a couple of pics I will post later.
ive gone a different way, and talked to people that didnt want to sell what i was interested in, and i normally even offer to help them get them back on the road, just to let them know its not about the least with me its not. plus if you do become friends, and help, some deals may eventually come your way.
Could be wrong but seems like offering to trade them a running driving car may work sometimes...
Watch the television show American Pickers to see how those guys deal with collectors, hoarders, and junkers. In most cases if you can make a deal on some smaller items, it may break the ice. Then on to bigger items. Also listen to their stories of how or why they got those things.
Watch the television show American Pickers to see how those guys deal with collectors, hoarders, and junkers. In most cases if you can make a deal on some smaller items, it may break the ice. Then on to bigger items. Also listen to their stories of how or why they got those things.

I don't know if their tactics would work on me. Just knowing that they're there to buy things to flip would make me a bit uncomfortable. I'd much rather sell car parts (or even give them away) to car guys that need them and will use them. I'd sell stuff to those two on American Pickers if I wanted to get rid of stuff or if I needed the $$, but otherwise I'd prefer different buyers. -
I once had a 64 dart gt that I drove as a daily driver (along with various other vehicles). My buddies girlfriend just had to have that car! I did not want to sell it cause I liked it. But she kept pestering me about it. She was extremely cute and I was a young man....guess what...I sold her the car. So, sometimes a female persuasion is helpful. (I still am kicking myself in the backside!)
Lol thanks all. I am not looking to flip. How ever that duster has peeked my attention. It is crazy I would over look such great b body cars for a A body lol
I once had a 64 dart gt that I drove as a daily driver (along with various other vehicles). My buddies girlfriend just had to have that car! I did not want to sell it cause I liked it. But she kept pestering me about it. She was extremely cute and I was a young man....guess what...I sold her the car. So, sometimes a female persuasion is helpful. (I still am kicking myself in the backside!)

:love7:Them female types can do that to a guy.
Looking forwards to pics.

A friend of mine has a huge collection (500+) of late 50's fin cars, Mopars, GM, and Caddy's, and a lot of mid 60's - late 70's C bodies, all big block cars. He drove almost all the cars at one time or another, and never got rid of them. People give him flack, saying, "Those cars are just rusting away sitting in that field!" But they don't bother to think, if he didn't have them there, they'd have been crushed long ago.
Many moons ago, I found a 70 Challenger 318 convertible that had been sitting inert in a guy's yard. I finally worked up the nerve to ask about it. "Gonna restore it blah, blah, blah...." The car continued to sit. One day I as I was going by, the car was gone and the guy was out in the yard. We had gotten along OK, so I stopped.
"I see you got the Challenger in the shop."
"No, I sold it."
"Yeah, I decided I didn't want to fool with it. And I didn't have any way of getting hold of you."
The rest of the conversation is a blur. I was seeing as red as the Challenger had been. Since then, I made up business cards. You can get Avery forms the look good printed with an ink jet printer. Set the paper type in MS Word to the form number. Test with regular paper. When you get what you like, blaze away.

Classic Mopar Restoration
2 Darts
1010 Senso Unico
Edge of the World
2 Darts @

I'll write a note on the card concerning my interest and leave it with the person I'm talking to. It hasn't been sure-fire, but it has gotten results. Cards get lost, but it is another way to convey that I'm not a casual tire kicker.

Good luck

here is a couple of pictures that i took. i will take more at a later date. i plan to go back and visit again.