Never forget what happened today

24 years of service and counting. I am ever grateful for the sacrifices made and those being made to ensure my freedoms. Just under 900 days in combat. I know what a mortar sounds like when it flies over your head and impacts in sight, what a rocket sounds like when it does the same. Felt the force of a car bomb, heard AK rounds zip through date palms. Felt a sick and uneasy feeling when the MEDEVAC I was in started evasive maneuvers because some terrorist decided to target us. I have cared for more young Americans than I can remember. Held their hands and heads. Prayed with and for them and did my best to get them home. They asked me about their brothers and sisters in arms, they asked me to pray with them, they asked me to tell their families they loved them. If a man is dying and these are the things he says then I give you this...At the core of us is FAITH, faith in a God that watches over us, LOVE for our family, and RESPECT, a respect for those that fight and die at our side. I cannot forget as I am visited in my sleep occasionally by the war I have experienced. 'Merica!
I was 32 working as a mechanic when my boss told us that one of the twin towers had been hit by a plane. My first thought was what went wrong with the plane. Then the second plane hit and I knew this was no accident. After 9 we had break and watched it on the news. I said those towers will crumble in an hour. My co workers said I was wrong. But unfortunately I was right. At lunch I ate outside it was a beautiful day but so surreal. Not a plane in the sky and even if it was like any other day where I was I knew miles away peoples lives were being taken and changed for ever. It's a day I'll never forget.
I was 15 and that was during school ....I remember I was running late to school that morning and my dad was driving me to school, it had to be around 7 a.m. mountain time so about 9 in NY, don't remember exact times now. I was feeling rushed and I was getting upset because I didn't want to be late to school because my teacher would get on people for being late.

When I got into the school the teacher was crying and everyone was around a TV and I had no idea what happened and just when I got to the TV to see what happened ....I saw the second tower get almost didn't seem real ....I couldn't believe my eyes and I was confused.....had no idea who was doing it or why.

At the time I couldn't get how people could be so mean but as you grow up things become more clear. I remember that night the gas stations with lines around the block and there was such a sad feeling that I never want to feel again because I was really scared and I didn't know what was going to happen next because I really didn't know at that time who did it or why.