new car; The Carbon Stirling!



Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2006
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sunny floriduh!
i have an idea for a car. its not rocket science. its simple engineering principles, available off the shelf technology and good ol' American ingenuity and innovation!
it will light a fire under our economy and shake up the wealth of the world.
in the past it has been stopped, but with global warming being a very real problem as well as pollution in general and the cost of oil...not to mention the war over it...i don`t think this idea can be stopped now if we work together for it!
i would love to be some small part of the process to get us off oil and stop the pollution!
some of you have probably heard of "the stirling engine".
its a very quiet, low or almost no maintenance, dependable external
combustion engine. they are used in submarines because they are very quiet.
unlike internal combustion engines which have explosions constantly the
stirling engine operates by heating a recirculating gas (no exhaust)
which moves pistons back and forth from the heated/hi pressure side to
the cool/low pressure side similar to an air conditioning system.
there are no explosions so they are long lasting low stress, low maintenance engines.
they are also used in developing nations and remote areas without
mass infrastructure such as electrical or water treatment plants.
they need a heat source to operate. in the right climate they can run on solar energy (just like u burned ants with a magnifying glass as a kid!)
they can also burn propane, methane, natural gas, gasoline, ethanol...basically anything, cooking oil? and they only need a very small amount because we`re only using it to turn an alternator to charge a
few batteries and run an electric motor.
electric motors have tremendous torque and are easily enuff to propel a car to over 120 mph.
electric cars are a viable alternative to fossil fuel cars, except
for the weight and space used for all the batteries which don`t store
enough power to last long distances
available battery technology is sufficient, because we have our own electrical generating station onboard the automobile, charging the batteries constantly and running a high output electric motor to propel the car.
now most of you gearheads know that typical alternators use about 7 HP max and u know that every 100 lb of weight u shave off your car equals 1/10th of a second faster E.T. at the dragstrip.
so do u know about carbon fiber unibodies? they are 1/2 the weight of steel and twice as strong. they are much cheaper to produce as compared to steel bodies.
i`m not an engineer, but engineering formulas aren`t that difficult to calculate for this problem.
so why not get an electric motor, a carbon fiber body, a stirling
engine to run an alternator that charges a few batteries and after a few minor details are sorted out have a cheap, reliable, quick, fun car!
u don`t have to plug it in and wait overnite for it to recharge. u fill it up similar to the way u fill up your car now, just not as often!
now maybe u say that to build this car might cost $100,000!!! it might...for a one off prototype. i`m not exactly sure. of course when produced in volume
the prices would come way down...and the savings over the life of the
car will be tremendous! imagine an engine that lasts virtually forever. a body that never rusts. a car u put almost no fuel in compared to our gas guzzling 20 mpg cars now!
the most difficult part of what i propose is the fact that big oil and big energy don`t want this car produced. they are the problem, not the solution. they are trying to maintain their stranglehold over the people and maintain their money, power and control.
why do u think the honda prius is being produced? because its not a threat to the powers that be. it only gets a measely 55 mpg max and has to plug into the grid to achieve that! it offers no travel/distance capability.
so what i propose might be the most difficult part and also the part
which makes this possible.
lets say we started a non profit organization and we produced 10 prototypes just to prove the point. we sell advertising on the cars, sell the documentary movie and drive those ten cars all over the country!
lets say it cost $2,000,000.00 ...if we had 40,000 people donating
$50.00 each we could do it! thats less than u are probably paying to fill your tank now and theres 300 million people in the USA alone!
after that maybe we could actually convert to mass manufacturing?
maybe sell the prototype plan to a company that will!!!
now i`m not sure on the figures, i`m just making an example, but its
not rocket science. its all available technology.
think its possible? i do...think its worth it? i do!
i want to see it done to help us all...i`m not interested in getting
rich, but i do buy lotto tickets...k? haha...
and for the gearheads, imagine carbon fiber bodies crafted to look like your favorite A-body Mopar and hookup a digital audio track simulating a 5000 HP top fuel huffing HEMI!

p.s. the same theory i just expressed can be used to produce electricity for a home or business using solar or wind power.
it will pay for itself in no time!
also any excess electricity can be sold to the electric company.
by law they have to buy it at the same rates they sell it to you!
if theres a natural disaster and power goes down theres a good chance you will still have yours
Sounds good, but you already know the problem---the oil companies won't get rich off this scheme so it will never happen. You'll be shut down in a blink of an eye. They'll cut off your parts suppliers, cut off your tool and die makers, squash your ability to advertise and finally squish your ambition and desire to make it reality.
65s said:
Sounds good, but you already know the problem---the oil companies won't get rich off this scheme so it will never happen. You'll be shut down in a blink of an eye. They'll cut off your parts suppliers, cut off your tool and die makers, squash your ability to advertise and finally squish your ambition and desire to make it reality.

Watch the movie Tucker some time. That is exactly what would happen.
as i said; my idea isn`t exactly original. its all off the shelf readily available technology and if u follow the links i`m providing here, plus pay attention to the news of global warming, wars and gas prices, the movie by our president Al Gore; "an inconvenient truth" you should realize that THIS time we cannot be stopped...unless everyone is as negative and apathetic as you!
ask yourself what you are willing to stand up and fight for...what sort of world you want to live in...what kind of legacy do you want to leave to those who come after you (whether they are directly related to you or not)
in my experience Mopar Guys are cut from different cloth, a cut above, non conformists who find a better way! (maybe you should be driving a bow-tie)
by the way, i have seen the movie about Preston Tucker...maybe you should read these links;

company producing a hi-po electric car (but has to be plugged in to recharge);
sites producing stirling engine powered generators;
related sites;
even if it got past the oil companies assassins, there would be a difficult time getting it past the automakers.

carbon fiber? no rust? low maintenance motor? people would not have to buy a new car for... almost ever.
Right on Speedy!
It has been innovative ideas such as this that built this country. How many times have any of you held some...thing... in your hands and said "I wish I had thought of this, this dude has got to be rolling in dough right now"? Well, this could very well be one of those things.
I say keep floating this idea around and it will stick somewhere, maybe not completely in this old farts lifetime but this or something like it will sooner rather than later.
I don't have the energy or knowledge for an effort like this but I would easily put up much more than $50 to be in on the deal. Someone like Bill Gates would invest in this type of idea I'll bet!
I admire your thought Speedy, don't let it go.
speedyvision said:
the movie by our president Al Gore

Funny, all this time I thought Bush was kinda in charge.

Like DragginMAster said, If you build the "perfect car" no one will need to buy another, wheres the profit?

To be totaly honest Im not trying to be negative Im just pointing out what has happened in the past to guys that try to make "the perfect car". If you can do it and make it work go for it, more power to you, but I would rather spend the 50 bucks to fill the tank of my loud, smelly, gas guzzling, rubber burning, pre 74, made of metal, Mopar powered car or truck.

(maybe you should be driving a bow-tie)
I have owned a bunch of chevies, whats your point, am I gettng kicked out of the cool guy mopar club now?

what sort of world you want to live in...what kind of legacy do you want to leave to those who come after you (whether they are directly related to you or not)

To be honest, we could all die tomorrow and I don't really care what happens to the cute little penguins or this planet after Im dead. So until I die Im going to keep driving my loud, smelly old cars and be happy with it.
It seems that everyone that has watched that movie has gone on a 2 week long crusade to save the planet and then they either get bored or just forget about it. Humans are very easily influenced by TV and movies.

you should realize that THIS time we cannot be stopped

Who's stopping you? No one is stopping me from driving my non electric car.

Why don't you be a pioneer and install one of the motors you were talking about in your dart? Why bother going through all the tooling to make a carbon fiber unibody. Start with what you have now.

and for the gearheads, imagine carbon fiber bodies crafted to look like your favorite A-body Mopar and hookup a digital audio track simulating a 5000 HP top fuel huffing HEMI!

If I wanted a carbon fiber body I would be on a honda forum and as for the "digital audio track simulating a 5000 HP top fuel huffing HEMI" I also saw that episode of Pimp My Ride on MTV. I dont want 200lbs of speakers mounted under my car just so it can SOUND like a Hemi. I would rather have a REAL top fuel huffing hemi!
theres an old saying; if u can`t say anything nice then don`t say anything at all.
its easy to see you would rather this idea fail and you do what you can here to see that it does!
its obvious that your ego means more than innovative, exhilerating new products that will boost our economy and help save human beings.
u are a selfish idiot with poor reading comprehension. i wont bother to respond any further to you. i have said it already, u just can`t read!
theres an old saying; if u can`t say anything nice then don`t say anything at all.

u are a selfish idiot with poor reading comprehension

Wow so is that how you respond to anyone that disagrees with you or has an opinion that you don't share?

its obvious that your ego means more than innovative, exhilerating new products that will boost our economy and help save human beings

and help save human beings


To be honest, we could all die tomorrow and I don't really care what happens to the cute little penguins or this planet after Im dead. So until I die Im going to keep driving my loud, smelly old cars and be happy with it.

you just can`t read!
360scamp said:
lol , lets get it on ding ding :blob:

look female and well old enough to be your mother!
if the car i suggest is built and other energy conservation/creation methods are used (such as wind, hydro and solar) then we could stop buying middle east oil, stop funding the war, stop killing people and boys like you could live to enjoy driving your internal combustion engines, because noone else would need gas!
do u know the difference between torque and horsepower? do u know how much torque electric motors can make? do u know that in a doorslammer that 100 pounds equals 1/10 of a second off your ET? do u know what the car i propose could be capable in real world driving experience? not to mention the new-revolution it would create...the likes of Henry Fords Model T mass production line/inexpensive car did 100 years ago!
do u ever plan to have children or give a rats azz about them?
you wanna get it on? get back to me in about 30 or 40 years...maybe by then u will have a competitive chance! meantime...READ! LISTEN! LEARN!
i was a college teacher. my sister is a thermo-dynamic/chemical/nuclear engineer. another sister has a Masters in education administration and my other sister has a masters in pharmaceutical business...can u even pronounce these words? do u kno what they mean?
i`m the dumb one in the family! but i was a certified transmission builder before u were born! ever hear of the ATRA?
talk about what the gov`t will LET YOU???
thats exactly the problem! do u read your constitution? it starts out with; WE THE PEOPLE... do u know what the laws really are? do u take your life, your country, your freedom for granted?
when will u stand up? when they march into your living room? see, thats the problem...apathetic people who don`t kno, don`t care, don`t respect, and take for granted!
my family signed the declaration and the constitution...their name is Sherman. they named a tank after us and we had a little bonfire in Atlanta once about 143 years ago!
the next ones coming unless people get off their a$$ez and DO something!
its known as fascism.
and people like you scamp? you are just meat for their mill!
Damn, your still here?

when they march into your living room
Who is marching into my living room?

their name is Sherman
I work with a guy nammed Sherman.

we had a little bonfire in Atlanta once about 143 years ago!
wow your old, did that have smores?

the next ones coming unless people get off their a$$ez and DO something!

and people like you scamp? you are just meat for their mill!
I like meat, love buffalo burgers, ya wanna see some pics?

im female and well old enough to be your mother!
So that means what that you want a prize or something?

and boys like you could live to enjoy driving your internal combustion engines
i already enjoy driving my internal combustion engines.

do u know the difference between torque and horsepower
yes, do you know how to spell the word Y-O-U?

the likes of Henry Fords Model T mass production line/inexpensive car did 100 years ago!
Hey Im building a 27 T right now!

do u ever plan to have children or give a rats azz about them?
Ummm I thought we covered that. No we are too selfish to have kids and we would rather spend the money on ourselfs. Oh and *** is spelled A-S-S not azz. Come on I thought you were a teacher? Hell I went to an alternative high school and even I know how to spell that one.

you wanna get it on?
Are you good looking? I will have to ask my girlfriend but I will get back to you on it.

get back to me in about 30 or 40 years
I thought you were old, are you even going to be around in 30 or 40?

i was a college teacher. my sister is a thermo-dynamic/chemical/nuclear engineer
Wow have you ever seen that movie with Rodney Dangerfeild where he goes back to college that was funny. My sister builds bombs too, we should hang out sometime.

can u even pronounce these words? do u kno what they mean?

i`m the dumb one in the family!
Im not ganna argue

i was a certified transmission builder before u were born!
your old ha ha

ever hear of the ATRA?
Yes I have!

This is fun what else can you tell me?