New Pup Party!!!

Welcome to the show Terry.Well I don't know if you would call it a show but i think I'm learning a little something.Close game.Your dog has got some cool colors!8)

OK I officially can't keep up and I'm just about outa rum!

Thanks Dreno, always late I am.
kay so if this pic worked this is my girl Courage (curry or curry puff for short) and yes i named her after the cartoon show, she recently gave me a scare cause she needed her spleen taken out but at first the vet thought she had cancer and also said that if i didnt get her the srugery when i did then she probably would have died that night, buit all is good for now. she is seven almost eight.

oh and this picture is from one of those contests to "get your dog on the treat box" type things

Super cool dog! What great eyes!

Wow Joe you were really "studley" in your younger years, I'm just wondering who that sweet thing to your left is that's about to lean over and whisper nasty suggestions in your ear.:toothy10:

LMAO! Just wait a minute, I got few more, lol.

Thanks Dreno, always late I am.
Here's one where I wondered why..... ****, I was just a baby.... And a dumb ***.

Talk about missing a party.....Congrats Cheryl....Good lookin' pup. Looks like maybe a Dillon to me. I'll think a little more on it while enjoying some ...rum.
Wow! Holy Smokehouse! Your guy's dogs are damn near identical! Minus 20-30 lbs. :read2:

Here's a fun vid...

Our rottweiler Vinny use to skateboard until he hurt his hip and the doctor said no more skating for you. I will have to see if I can find those pictures and post them. He also tried to skim board at the beach. He is such a hoot!
My friend got her Great Dane, Stella when we were living together. I always hear Brando in my head when I call her. She was 8 weeks old in the first pics, and 5 months in the later ones.







LOL, now I can't get that picture of a drunken Marlon Brando out of mind! Great looking dog!

I want to see pics Vinnie skateboarding!