Nice garage!

Real nice, i want that kind of garage too, lot of space which has gone after few months, 'cause empty space will be full of stuff at no time... :D
I understand folks concerns over their property values. But, my response is that if you are THAT concerned, then move to a subdivision with REALLY restrictive covenants. It sounds to me like this guy complied with the zoning restrictions and laws in his area and now the neighbors are complaining. They should move to a location that doesn't allow it or get their neighborhood to approve covenants restricting such things. Some people don't want others to do anything to their house without approval. Well, then they can live in a restrictive neighborhood where the old lady down the street can complain all she wants and you have to comply.

Personally, I think he built an ugly garage. He COULD have built one that flowed better with the house - maybe a brick facade on the front with matching siding so that it looks good from the road. But, given the existing rules/laws, he didn't have to.

About 7-8 years ago, my neighborhood (which had precious few covenants when I moved there) needed to reorganize so that the pool wouldn't go bankrupt. Almost all of the neighborhood signed on. But, they handed me the covenants and I scanned through them. According to the new covenants, I wasn't even allowed to keep a single vehicle on my property that wasn't tagged, insured, and in running condition. I refused and told the guy (my neighbor) that came over why I wouldn't sign them - because I would be in violation immediately and I had no intention of giving up my cars. I think where I live strikes a nice balance all in all. I don't have to get my paint colors approved or things like that, but there are what I consider to be reasonable rules. And, the neighborhood stays nice and the property values continue to rise.

The president of the homeowner's association came over about 6 months later and wanted to know why again I wouldn't sign. I went out back opened the door to my second garage and showed him my cars and then pointed out all the specific clauses that put me in violation of the proposed covenants. He completely understood and was actually really jealous and amazed at what I had back there (you can't tell a thing from the street). But, he did offer me the chance to re-write everything that was a problem and he would take it to the board for approval. I did so and the board approved them. Now, I did find out later that one lady didn't like my changes until a board member stood up and said 2 things. First, he said I drive by his house on my way to the pool (I live right near it) every night during the summer to get my kids and if someone hadn't told me, I would've never guessed he had ANY cars or anything else on his property. Second, he said....if we don't approve his changes, then he will never sign and you'll be forced to endure ANYTHING he wants to do under the old covenants. The whole board apparently laughed as she turned red with embarassment.
What a bunch of caca. YOUR PROPERTY. EVERYTHING HIDDEN FROM VIEW. None of their business. This is the wonderful USA that we are living in.
well sometimes you have to use your head not just to seperate your ears.

I live in the center of 240 acres only house in the 1 mile(on my side of road) i live and have 1 house across the road and i built to barns for my cars.

I'm about 250 off the road but i still built my barns to match the house with the vinyl siding and i have nobody around to complain.

but i have to look at the hole picture and want it to be decent looking

just my .02


Where my parents live, it is actually against the covenant to leave your garage door open.
What a load of crap.

Good thing is, they don't really enforce it.
If he followed the rules they have little grounds for complaint. A little consideration does go a long way, though. Here in New England, some of the local rules are just plain stupid. In some towns on Cape Cod you actually have to submit paint samples if you want to REPAINT your house, even if you are using left over paint that had already been approved. We could all go on all day on this one. I never rev my Duster during "quite" hours but I have had folks just see it and complain about the noise. Most gearheads are VERY considerate folks, because we know the stakes. But if we don't put our collective foot down and stand our ground we may find ourselves with little space left to park our rides.

Keep the faith -LY