no dash lights


clairday modtop

there's no car like mopar
May 18, 2008
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ok guys im geting ready to put my dash back in and to see if it all works, everything looks good but i don't have dash lights, i checked the bulbs and thire good. all wires are in place but one. black wire comeing from the back of the fuse box. sorry pic is so blurry. any ideas.

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You may also want to pull the headlight switch. The wiper on the instrument light brightness pot is made of copper and they corrode over time. You will be able to tell because the corrosion will be bright green. Mine did this but was easy to clean up.
ok. fuse is good. going check the switch. and the wire in the pic is alive. all gounds are good but going to recheck them to.
rechecked the fuses, all good. checked the switch and cleaned it, all good. only light that comes on the the brake light. heres a pic as it is now. is the dash cluster suppose to be grounded to the dash.
