Non-PC Seattle Cop Humor circa 1986



Valiant lover(?)
Mar 5, 2011
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[ame=""]Under the Viaduct - YouTube[/ame]

The present interim police cheif is getting the "S"y end of the stick for participating in this video in the mid-1980's...
Personally, I respect him more for being in this. Why? Because it shows that he has a humorous side to him. All the people who are lambasting him never deal with the mentally crazed, drunks, addicts, et cetera that- time and time again- they round up, take in, only to deal with them victimizing the general public yet again.

And I must ask all those are so forward-thinking, progressive, and better-hey, this has been going on since atleast the '80's. You have all the answers and moral high ground, so why haven't you or those before you fixed this problem?:wack:
I did not see a problem with it. If someone has issues with that video, they need to get a life.
Exactly..."It is what it is," and don't see the horror in the cops getting a chuckle about the futility in a part of their job