not to be out done



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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There were three ladies in a sauna. The first was a young pretty woman in her early 20's the second was in her mid 40's and the third was a senior well in age. They were just chatting when the youngest's arm started buzzing, she looked at the others and said, "oh thats the lattest tech. I have a computer chip implanted in my arm to remind me of appointments throughout the day. Both of the other women just looked at each other. A few minutes later the middle aged woman shouted out and stated her stock just split in her favor and stated she also had an implant that let keep up with wall st. About that time the senior got went to the rest room and returned with toilet paper strung out twenty foot behind her. The other two looked at each other in dimay when the senior (not wanting to be out done) stated "excuse me ladies I,m getting a FAX.