Obtaining a Title



Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2008
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I am looking at a car in Texas that doesnt have a title and am wondering how hard is it to get one?Any body have any ideas?
Find another car. If a title was easy to get the seller would have it.

Why should you do the work?

Optionally…. Tell him you have the cash when he gets the title.

A seller without a title is..…

1. Lazy


2. Dishonest

(unless it's a parts car or race car…. many of those don't have titles)
been there done that.....a title can be got but its alot of screwing around.....but if the car is desirable enough then go for it anyways....good price for a great car than its worth it to to the screwing around on getting the title....however,as said before....most likly lazy or dishonest if they don't have it.....both were the case with the car I had to screw around with on the title....good luck either way!
You can go to car title companies like Mainely Titles (out of Maine) and with a bill of sale and a few other things they will license and register the car in their state. From there you can register and title the car in your state. There are other title companies out there, you`ll have to shop around but most will cost you 200- 400 dollars to provide you with a title or the proper paperwork for a title -able car.
you can also go to the dmv and file for ownership of a vehicle if it is purchased for less then $2500.00 and you have a receipt of sale. or you can go about it a different way....after 30 days you can file for an abandonment.....if the vehicle is on your property for more then 30 days you can file it as abondoned and redeem a title to do with the vehicle as you please.......or you can go to the dmv and file for a DBA (doing business as) certification wich should only run you $10.00 and you can just make up a reciept saying that so much money is owed to you for work done on the car and you have not been paid and they will issue you a title that way also so that you would be able to sell it and recoupe you (so called bill) out of the car. anyways,none of its fun...alot of running around and some paperwork and depending on the route you take,it could cost you some cash also......but if its a rare car or one in great condition and can be got for a great price....jump on it anyways and get the title later,but atleast be sure to run down to the local police station with the vin number first make sure it is not stolen.....if not,your in the clear,good luck on whatever route you take!
My only issue at the moment is the car is in Texas and I am in Ontario Canada.He has gone as far as checking what is needed to get a title but hasnt done it yet.I will let you know what happens.
When I bought my Barracuda, the seller told me he had a clear title. Well, the seller was in New Mexico and I was in Pennsylvania. Money was exchanged, car was shipped here.

When the car got here, I marvelled at the car itself, glad the 46+ yr old car was in decent shape(pics did it no justice). i opened the envelope containing the papers the next day. It had a title, ok, a title that was signed over to someone OTHER than the seller about 19 years ago. There were 4 bills of sale in the envelope, showing the changes in "ownership" over the years, but noone had titled it in their name.

Well, Pennsylvania is a royal pain in the butt with titling cars, especially ones without a title, it just doesn't happen.

I called the guy who sold it to me, who now was attitude filled, told me to apply for abandoned vehicle title....If my arms were long enough......

I did the research, found out it was still registered in North Carolina to the guy who sold it 19 years before. More research, found the guy, talked with him, he was happy it didn't end up with a date with the crusher.

Long story longer, he did the legwork in NC, applied for duplicate title, got it, signed it over to me, and I now have a clear Pennsylvania title for the car. As an aside, I covered all of the guy's costs involved, and gave him something xtra to take him and the SO our to a nice dinner.

I just sent the seller an email and asked what he would want to get the title.
It would have to be one hell of a car/deal to buy a car from that distance without a title and not seeing it first.........my .02
I did the research, found out it was still registered in North Carolina to the guy who sold it 19 years before. More research, found the guy, talked with him, he was happy it didn't end up with a date with the crusher.

Long story longer, he did the legwork in NC, applied for duplicate title, got it, signed it over to me, and I now have a clear Pennsylvania title for the car. As an aside, I covered all of the guy's costs involved, and gave him something xtra to take him and the SO our to a nice dinner.


That couldn`t have turned out any better. Nice work!
It would have to be one hell of a car/deal to buy a car from that distance without a title and not seeing it first.........my .02

It is a good deal but they are getting a bit sticky now for titles at the border.I used to be able to do it on a notarized bill of sale but not now.
In Colorado you have to have a bill of sale. From there, you have to bring it in somehow and have a "VIN Verification" done which involves a Law Enforcement Officer who runs the numbers to make sure it's not stolen. It's a pain here.

I brought a motorcycle here from IL that was plated and clear. For some reason the dealership I bought it from and I used to work for couldn't find the paperwork and the finance company couldn't find the title. Of course if I was one day late on my payment all hell broke loose, thanks HFC!!.

Anyway, the DMV ran the numbers and they told me the bike never existed in the U.S.?? It turned into a big hassle and finally the LEO who checked it out was really cool after I told him the story and showed him the paperwork of all the payments I had made and the letters from the finance company and dealership.

Floorman, it's my two cents to never buy a vehicle without a title. It's a huge pain in the rear and I can't imagine how tough it be with a car from another country. :)
Want to have even more fun? Have a frame and body that don't match. Had to go to the state for my F-150, had the titles for both, but they had to verify. It really depends on the laws in your State/Province. Since you need the title to cross the border, that should get the seller motivated to get the title, it's just not that hard if it was titled in his name. I had to do that too with my truck, makes life way easier.
Thanks for the answers, I am still waiting on a reply.If it was just coming back as parts a title isnt an issue but if I want to put it on the road then the title is a must.