Oil Gallery Plugs


1966 dart wagon

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
Sioux Falls, SD
I am stripping my engine in my shop class and i need to take out the oil galery plugs to have it dipped. Is the size 5/16's? 3/8 to big and 1/4 to small its not like 11/32's is it? and in the engine kits do they come with new ones my teacher says yes but i was thinking (again he more ford/Chevy guys, where do they get these teachers :p ) perhaps its different on mopar for some reason like in my example of "yeah its ok to run with out a kick down linkage" and from on here (mopar guys) saying woah hook that up.

also i have a factory console for my car but yet there is a b&m shifter in it(none ratchet) should i go with console it has no door for center holder for stuff) i like the aggressive look of the b&m but kinda like the factory shifter console and the fact i have more places to put stuff,
you mean the size of the square to turn them out?

yes, good possibility they are 11/32", some were an odd size...i have a socket from Snap On for them

most of the plugs should come in a good frost plug kit, except for the press in one that is under the rear main cap, but parts store should carry them seperately