Oil leak that won't go away.



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Bloomington, MN
Hi Guys: I think the rear main seal on my 74 Duster slant six is leaking. Does anyone know a good reputable knowledgeable mechanic in the Minneapolis MN area who could tackle a rear main seal replacement. He needs to know his way around a slant six. If he's an individual who might work out of his home or could commute to the job, I have a 6 foot deep mechanic's pit that the car is parked over for easy access to the bottom of the motor. Thanks!
I had a 58 Fury with the 350 B motor and with 145000 miles never had a rear main leak. Back then they used rope rear main seals, all the engines from the slanty to the Hemi. today it seems like almost everyone complains of a leak back there. Maybe we should go back to a rope main seal and hopefully stop all those leaks. I even did a 55 Chevy 265 with rope and it didn't leak.