oil pressure sending unit/tube/hose



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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omg this junk actually came lose from the place where it goes into the engine block and now the entire engine compartment is oiled down..I had no idea what was going on i thought the car was either going to blow up or was actually on fire from all the smoke coming out...VERY angry! just wanted to vent...at least it did not come done in the passenger compartment side...but man this SUX!!!!!!!!!!!
Was it the nylon line that comes with aftermarket gauges? I don't and won't run a nylon oil line for that reason. Iv'e had the top of a factory oil pressure sender pop off on the highway a few miles from my friends house. I drove a pencil into the hole till I got to his place. In my wagon I have a braided line, and I already have the copper line for the GT. With all that oil in the compartment you don't have to worry about starting any rust.
it was on the car when i got it...never really thought about it..didnt even notice i was losing oil till i stopped and it was just rolling out(smoke) luckily i was close to home..it DID spit enough oil out that i did not have any left on the dipstick though..sux! luckily i did not overheat temp never got above 200 so I think no bad damage was done. i HOPE...and it was BAD..oil ALL OVER :( all over the distributor..hell when i opened the hood iol leaved off the hood onto the paint of the cowl.....the intake was covered the air filter is useless now, what a mess. took me 30 minutes to figure out what was wrong too...hose was lose but right on top as if looking like it was in but it wasnt. well guys i dont know when it will ever get fixed...actually ive never replaced one...i dont even know what to do lol.....i DONT want this to happen again/