Old expressions that no longer apply

"Can it" and "Sit on it" are two you never hear anymore.
This is an old expression but I’m afraid it still applies maybe more than ever. Spare the rod spoil the child
years ago when all of us young guys were hired to our first job eventually somebody would do
something wrong and the boss would call him stupid.... but it didn't mean you were stupid it just
meant you screwed up and you sure didn't do it again! You can't call anybody stupid anymore.
Actually, you can call anybody anything anymore!
Then people wonder why kids now have no respect for anyone including themselves
We still have two dollar bills too. You can get all you want from a bank, just have to wait a few days. And they are easily our most beautiful and detailed bill.
The expression is "queer as a three dollar bill". Not quite politically correct. F@#k em.
Take them to a store with out of countryowners. They freak out and tell you. This is fake. Not American money.
Take them to a store with out of countryowners. They freak out and tell you. This is fake. Not American money.
I wonder if the self checkouts recognize a $2 bill. I have a couple laying around, next trip to wally world, I think I will try. Lol
Frankly, I'm betting against it. Don't know if they'll take those quarter-sized dollar coins, either.
Ethyl if she's working. LOL
Bob Segar used the following as song lyrics... "Hey watch where you're going. Step light on old toes. Because unless you've been beside a man, you don't know who he knows".
Any elaboration on that would fall under the "PRIVATE" debt mentioned above.
“Shame on the Moon” was written by Rodney Crowell.
If she had poking out of her what she’s had poked in her, she would look like a porcupine.

That boy could break a crowbar in a sandbox.

If my dog was as ugly as you I would cut off his tail, shave his *** and make him walk backwards.

If I wanted any lip from you, I would pull it off my zipper…
This thread is far out man.

But I still can't find where to buy 3/4 race cam?
We still have two dollar bills too. You can get all you want from a bank, just have to wait a few days. And they are easily our most beautiful and detailed bill.
The expression is "queer as a three dollar bill". Not quite politically correct. F@#k em.
Believe it or not we had a 3 dollar bill way back. Maybe that's where the saying came from
I wonder if the self checkouts recognize a $2 bill. I have a couple laying around, next trip to wally world, I think I will try. Lol
Frankly, I'm betting against it. Don't know if they'll take those quarter-sized dollar coins, either.
non of our self check-outs accept cash. It's either debit or charge card