On the road again Goodbye Chicago



Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2012
Reaction score
we are leaving Chicago today after 9 days and headed to Cleveland for a day and two nights then a stop in Buffalo NY for a week then home for a few days then off Albany NY and then to Virginia Beach.

it was fun and I will add some pics later on.

Thank you to Krazykuda for putting up with me for a few hours and I wish I had more free time to hang out with you or others (nobody else wanted to hangout anyway i guess lol)
cool, leaving Chicago is always fun
(I do not like big cities, but Chicago I particularly dislike)

be safe out there
cool, leaving Chicago is always fun
(I do not like big cities, but Chicago I particularly dislike)

be safe out there

Car temp said 107 yesterday and u was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for 10 miles (when I got off it was still going ) coming out of downtown yesterday ughhh I have 800 people in my town and 40 kids in the scho and we dot even have our own zip code lol with u on big cities.
It was cool meeting you and hanging out for a few hours.

Good luck in Cleveland...
Well thanks for the endorsement.... :violent1:

ill try not to get political here (something about 8 years of winter you guys gave us) but I would like to point out that I am pretty sure im more American then the state of Illinois

alltought im sure if i had to be be in Atlanta as often as i have to go into Chicago i would have said the same thing about Atlanta
(though Atlanta doesn't have a football team i despise)

keep in mind though, just because I don't like where you live doesn't mean I don't like you

to put things in perspective, i grew up in a town so big it didn't even have a macdonalds :banghead:
i bet you really have a hate on for green bay too lol