One big puppy!!!


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
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Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
One big Puppy------Wouldn't want to meet him in the woods and not have a gun!!!!!

This Wolf was shot recently in Drayton Valley, Alberta....which is near Edmonton about 3 hours North of Calgary. The wolf weighs over 230lbs smashing the previous record of 175lbs. Wouldn't want to run into this puppy in the woods. Apparently a bear hunter witnessed this wolf chase off a big black bear at his baiting station.

Daaaannnng! That sucker looks like he came out of a medieval painting or something. If they found one, you know there's got to be more.

I almost feel bad for him. What a majestic beast. I suppose I'd have to take him out too though if I was confronted. Kinda creepy to think that there may be a pack of these monsters cruising through the woods.
thats sad i dont know if i would have shot him but like ramcharger said if i was confronted by him and he didnt look like he wanted to be friends then yes i would have shot him only in self defense
One big Puppy------Wouldn't want to meet him in the woods and not have a gun!!!!!

This Wolf was shot recently in Drayton Valley, Alberta....which is near Edmonton about 3 hours North of Calgary. The wolf weighs over 230lbs smashing the previous record of 175lbs. Wouldn't want to run into this puppy in the woods. Apparently a bear hunter witnessed this wolf chase off a big black bear at his baiting station.

Well I know that wolves and coyotes are becoming urban pests to some degree, so opening up sport seasons for the removal of those animals is understandable. However what a majestic and beautiful creature. It's a shame some people get a thrill out of killing something that is unarmed and can't shoot back.
The wolf was chasing a bear! That says something in itself!
I agree, I don't think I could shot it either! I'd be too memorized.
If it turned around from the bear and was looking like I was his next meal though... He'd be dead.

I wonder if he used a silver bullet?
it would be a diffrent storry if the wolf had a gun and u were just walkin throu the woods and thw wolf was sittin up in a tree stand waitin for ya to walk by i bet there wouldnt be to many hunters if the animals had guns
Please, let's not turn this into a anti-hunter thread. Anyone who eats meat shouldn't complain about people who prefer to harvest their own.
You know this might sound as if I'm splitting hairs but I would never shoot a wolf especially one as big as that Timber Wolf and you can believe I've had the opportunity. Pests like beaver, mushrats and animals that can fill the freezer yes but never wolves. You get rid of the wolves and the coyotes move in and take over and they'll live quite happily right next door but not a wolf, they can't stand "man". Most times you see them and they're gone. I'd like to find out if that hunter holding up that animal in an american hunting with a canadian guide. Makes me wonder as we don't see much camo gear being worn out here except by "alien" hunters. I'm not against "alien" hunters either so don't get started, hell I catch your fish in Idaho, I'm just anti wolf hunting. That's some wild assed country from Drayton Valley west back to the Rockies.

it would be a diffrent storry if the wolf had a gun and u were just walkin throu the woods and thw wolf was sittin up in a tree stand waitin for ya to walk by i bet there wouldnt be to many hunters if the animals had guns

Honestly I say have people sign waivers to go and hunt each other. You know, have some yearly contest where people go out to some "human preserve", bring all their rifles and weapons, and basically go at it to see who is truly the best hunter. You die, you die, no big deal you signed the waiver and decided to play soldier.
^^^^^ They already do, it's called the military.^^^^^^^

Yes but you have to be fairly disciplined to take that up. You know, be in shape, get up at three in the morning with some D.I. yelling at you and getting in your face. That's too hard. Being a hunter only means getting a nice rifle, some camo, scent to draw out animals and some buddies to laugh with after you draw first blood. Look, hunting small animals that are pests is one thing, but majestic creatures like this wolf is just something I can't get enjoy or appreciate.
That's easily half-again (in terms of mass) any of the ones I've looked in the eye. Truly a magnificent creature.

I'm not at all familiar with that area, but I'd imagine it to be rather remote. That picture screams "excellent food supply".
Its not a whole lot unlike all the defenseless cattle that have to die premature deaths to support the beef habits of anti-hunters! Oh, but wait the beef thing is all very antiseptic because you can just go to the super market an buy a small pre-wrapped piece of that poor cow......... No blood on my hands and if its cooked correctly only a little on my plate.
Its not a whole lot unlike all the defenseless cattle that have to die premature deaths to support the beef habits of anti-hunters! Oh, but wait the beef thing is all very antiseptic because you can just go to the super market an buy a small pre-wrapped piece of that poor cow......... No blood on my hands and if its cooked correctly only a little on my plate.

True, good point, however how many wolves are eaten for their meat by the masses? Also cows, goats, pigs, chickens, etc... have been bred specifically for the purpose of feeding man. Last I checked wolves, bears, tigers, lions, etc.. haven't been bred for that purpose.
That's easily half-again (in terms of mass) any of the ones I've looked in the eye. Truly a magnificent creature.

I'm not at all familiar with that area, but I'd imagine it to be rather remote. That picture screams "excellent food supply".

Rocky that I met in captivity was about 200 lbs. I can't imagine a wolf that was 30 lbs. bigger than him. I would love to see a video of that guy chasing the black bear away. :cheers:

10-4 on the food supply. I wonder how much he had to eat on a daily basis?
True, good point, however how many wolves are eaten for their meat by the masses? Also cows, goats, pigs, chickens, etc... have been bred specifically for the purpose of feeding man. Last I checked wolves, bears, tigers, lions, etc.. haven't been bred for that purpose.

And the difference is??????? As long as it suites my purpose then the killing of a live animal is OK? I wonder how many anti-hunters could slaughter, butcher and prepare there own cow, goat, (They are so cute) pig or chicken? I guarantee you if that big SOB had your cat or little foo foo dog in its mouth, because after all those types of animals are bred for wolf prey, it would be OK to shoot it.
That is an amazing animal, sad that it was killed but having said that I sure wouldn't want it running around in my woods
That thing is huge... that's just awesome! We'll have to get one to guard the garage.

Anyway, I'm not a fan of hunting personally... but as long as yer eating the meat, I could care less what you kill.