One less unemployed person in this country!!!



Aug 24, 2010
Reaction score
Decatur, IL
I just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and crossed-fingers. I got a call about an hour ago letting me know I got the job I interviewed for last Friday. I don't start until October 10th, but I've been off since May. What's 3 more weeks, right? Thanks again FABO!!! You guys (and gals) rock! :blob:
Congrats! Don't flunk the drug test.

That's one test that I'm not worried about. Never touch the stuff. Hell, I don't even drink! (Blasphemy!)

I'm going to be an IT Technician intern at ADM in Decatur, IL. It's only about 33 hours a week, but that's 33 hours more than what I was doing, so I'm not going to argue. I'm also happy that I can work in my degree field. That's always nice.
Thanks again FABO!
Awesome news for both of you. Columbia County in Oregon still has unemployment of about 11%. I hope the job market pics up a by the time I graduate in June.
That's one test that I'm not worried about. Never touch the stuff. Hell, I don't even drink! (Blasphemy!)

I'm going to be an IT Technician intern at ADM in Decatur, IL. It's only about 33 hours a week, but that's 33 hours more than what I was doing, so I'm not going to argue. I'm also happy that I can work in my degree field. That's always nice.
Thanks again FABO!

It is great that you landed a job for what you are educated in.
Congratulations again!!!

Congratulations for you also, Abodybomber.
That's one test that I'm not worried about. Never touch the stuff. Hell, I don't even drink! (Blasphemy!)

I'm going to be an IT Technician intern at ADM in Decatur, IL. It's only about 33 hours a week, but that's 33 hours more than what I was doing, so I'm not going to argue. I'm also happy that I can work in my degree field. That's always nice.
Thanks again FABO!

Sounds familiar. I'm the first one in line on drug test days. No drinky or smoky, either. Maybe a computer nerd thing?

Oh, and congrats!
congratulations i know whats its like being unemployed im currently looking myself been out of work since july 3rd ile be happy getting back to work one day soon.
Congratulations! The longer a person is out, the harder it can be to find something. A hearty "well done" is in order!!:cheers:
Awesome news! Congratulations to the new hires!!! Hope you guys both kick butt, impress the boss and love the new job.
Thanks,everyone! 65,did auto parts for 16 years,Training to be a service writer.
Thanks,everyone! 65,did auto parts for 16 years,Training to be a service writer.

I did auto parts at a local Dodge dealership for almost a year, from July 2006 to May of 2007. If the parts manager that hired me was still there, I probably would be too. New guy didn't like the fact I knew more than him and he fired me. Oh, well. Better off now! :D:D:D:D

A big hearty thank you to all of the well wishers. I would also like to extend a big good luck to everyone out there still looking for work. You are all in my prayers!