one of those dayyss



1965 Dodge Dart GT
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
You know one of those days where you hope work burns down sometime between now and tomorrow morning...? Had one of those daaayyss

Anyone else had a Monday?
I've had those days. Except where I work my Monday is Friday and Friday is Monday. So I'll let you know how my Monday goes of Friday.
lets see im still stuck on monday of last week since that was the day i got sick and im STILL sick lol. and to make matters worse i scedualed that day off since tues was a holiday 2 weeks ago. so i really got my mondays worth can i get a week of payday fridays now please lol.
i dont ***** about work just glad i have a job things are bad every where
I call that my night job. I go there at 4:00pm, sit at the desk and read a magazine for 4hrs while getting paid a whopping $7.65 an hr. Car sales are slow and I ve had nothing to detail for 2 weeks.
I'm a roofer. Every day is a Monday. But hey its work and it pays the bills.

You sure can say that again, I never roofed full time but did it one summer
in 1987 for one week to help out a friend and I was paid well.
But it was a tuff way to pay the bills.
My Saturday AND Sunday were like that. Worst and busiest weekend I have ever had. 2 sets of twins and a total of 5 other admissions. Thats 9 new admits one of which coded (she made it8)). Now we have 15 ventilators in our Neonatal Intensive care unit. The record is 16. Man, was I glad to be off last night.:-D
I do dread going back on Wednesday, I know what is waiting for me.