One Soldiers Dream


Fastback Fish

New Member
Dec 8, 2005
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The Land Yacht Club and the Michiana Mopar Association have teamed up to rebuild a soldiers 1967 Barracuda to be given to him when he returns from his tour of duty in Iraq.
Check out the story at
Well here's a pic of the start. His brother helped us get the beast out of the garage and its time to get started. We hope to have this thing done in a couple months.

Bob's Barracuda.JPG
Cool awesome job guys. I don't even know him and can say that he deserves it, because I been there done that and have the T-shirt. Actually, thinking of rejoining as a reservist if I get deployed will you guys finish my 69 cuda jk. Anyway as a vet I truly appreciate what you are doing for that soldier.
that must bee one of the best "welcome home gifts" anyone can get!
anyone fighting for freedom or his country are worth it!
Awsome deal, Let us know if theres anything we can do to help.