Opinions - Thinking of purchasing this 64 Two Door ( Non- Mopar )

I was told of one in the spectator's lot this weekend but when I had a chance to look, they had gone...
I was told of one in the spectator's lot this weekend but when I had a chance to look, they had gone...

Thanks for trying. I appreciate it. If either of those Fairlanes are still around in late September I will take a run at them. Prices should be dropping by then. Though I would still love to get that 63 Falcon.
I think I may be doing one more local show this year...I will keep my eyes open..
I had a 64 Falcon 4 door 170 six 3 on the tree. Very good reliable car that got great gas mileage.
My concern is also that it is a post. For that money I'd want the hardtop. In fact, the hardtop is just so much nicer I'd have a hard time buying a post. Do a google image on the hardtop. You will want it.
There were two or three of these in various states and prices (mostly cheap) in the San Francisco Craigslist a couple of weeks ago.

You are talkie a 3200 mile hike up to Montreal... that wouldn't be cheap....
Cool car not thrilled with the color but that is easily changed. The 64 falcon looks awesome in black with shiny chrome trim to contrast. One of my friends in high school had one. It was a cool car. Rust free it the most valuable attribute. If you can negotiate a good fair price then get it!!!!