Original Pinks Show

I know you and Emma are ok now. I was concerned. I don't watch Pinks anymore,.. I don't know what they will do.
I've pretty much lost interest in the show.
Wonder what happened to Nate and his brother and Charles, those guys were fun to watch. Seemed like they knew street racers from all over the country and always seemed to get the good grudge matches going in the original format of the show. It was entertaining to watch all the loudmouths argue with each other. I think Rich might be lifting too much these days, his head has turned to muscle. Shoulda never changed what wasn't broke. Perhaps it may have been hard to get guys to gamble their cars?

All Out probably raises more sponsor money too. Have to say All Out at E-Town was a great event, I had a blast watching. Tons of people and cool cars.

For me, Pass Time is my show, just straight up door slammers of all shapes and sizes. No loudmouths or narcissistic hosts.
Some people just couldn't believe they could get racers to gamble away their cars like that. Well...I can tell you that that part of the show is true. One of the shows was two Suzuki 'Busa's going head to head. Both were turbo bikes running in the low 7's , making in the 550 hp range. The winner of that match was Berry Henson, a friend of mine. Berry ownes Velocity Racing here in Lexington. They design and build turbo systems custom and std. models. You can walk in his shop and see the bike he won on that show. Yes pass time is my show too.

Yep what the heck, dont like the new folks, nothing personal, the format suxs!
I believe in the original format there was so much BS (sandbagging) going on and guys were throwing together POSs (" we just got the car completed last night and it has never run except on and of the trailer") and the whining turned me off. I like the new format better.
I hear that they will be showing the pink's all-out they did in Memphis Tenn on thursday I don't have the speed channel so I will have to find out when it will be aired and head to the Brick Oven and watch it there.
Does anyone have a clue how to find out ??
Saw it.................4 lane whack...........sorry but bollywood ruined another decent show.

When will they learn that we don't need drama on every second of the day?
Never mind folk's I found the info I needed 8)
Thu 8/13 8:00-9:00pm SPEED
Fri 8/14 12:00-1:00am SPEED
Sun 8/16 10:00-11:00pm SPEED
Mon 8/17 10:00-11:00am SPEED
It was a very interesting show, but talking with some Speed Reps they said they would stick with the "all out".

I personally like the original Pinks show the best, it might have been goofy with all the lengths and sandbagging done, but unfortunately I'm like typical america and enjoy when the "Deal or no Deal" person loses everything they had lol.