ospho and epoxy primer



Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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We started stripping Destin's car. I have been reading about epoxy primer and rust convertors. Just bought a gallon of ospho. Has anybody used epoxy primer over the ospho? What procedure did you use?
If you prime right after stripping then there's no need for the ospho. If you want to strip and then leave it bare for a period of time then I'd wipe the ospho on and remove any excess. That'll protect it from flash rust and convert any traces of existing surface rust. Too much ospho and you'll just leave a crusty residue. A powder-like residue is normal. After it has cured, when you are ready to prime go over it again with 80 grit, wipe it down and prime.
I work on a boat and we used the ospho and the rust is allready starting to come back through the finish after about 6 months.
Yeah, I'd rely on it more for temporary protection of bare metal while you work on it. It'll convert traces of rust to iron phosphate quite well. I wouldn't hesitate to use it in non-critical areas and then topcoat that with Zero Rust or Eastwood Encapsulator. But for body panels where you want your finish to last long and look good then you need to deal with rust appropriately. If you have cancer don't expect the Ospho to take care of it. But even if you grind metal till it's bright and shiney there may still be rust in pits and pores you can't see. The Ospho will take care of that for you. The epoxy will seal everthing up and make a great protective base to build upon.
If you use the ospho make sure you follow the directions. If its not used properly it will lift the primer off the car.