Ouch...sticks out like a sore thumb.

I jamed my pointer finger on my right hand one day at work when my coworker dropped his end of a 4" square tubing. Actually he dropped it without paying any attention to where my fingers were.@3!~*7 .Anyways it gave me a huge blood blister on the end of my finger and nail you know the kind that throbs everytime your heart beats.Well I'm trying to get through work so I can go home and stick something in it to relieve the pressure. I get in my car a dodge dart with a three on the tree and I start driving up the road .Holding my pointer straight out I go to shift from first to second and I drive my finger straight into the dash Oh MY F@%$# I just about passed out it friggin hurt so bad!
Worst I've had it is when a buddy wasn't paying attention and kinda slammed my finger between a locker and the metal frame. Basically wedge between the 2 sides of metal, and damn it hurt. Turned purple instantly. Going to school for welding, and I could see myself using a drill bit, but I'd Make sure I'm using a drill press and a steady finger( maybe a vise?). I'd rather heat up the old needle glowing orange with the MAPP torch than free hand it with the drill.Now that takes balls...
Ouch....I dropped a door on a piece of Postal equipment on my foot once. Big toe took the hit. Nail turned black. We had a lot of rain after it happened. Had to spend a few hours in the yard digging a ditch to get rid of the flood. When we were done I was in the bathroom taking my shoes/socks off. The nail ended up standing on end. Only thing holding it on was at the front edge of it. Fred, a Black & Tan Coonhound I had at the time seen it and pulled it off. I was laying on the floor, in tears as Fred stood there chewing on it.....

Ink - This is probably why you had to have the stress test :)

BTW - I can't take all the pain in this thread. Ouch!!
i slipped with a straight screw driver and it went under my index finger and the whole nail ended up laying beside my foot on the ground. talk about a hello call. somehow that screw driver never cut the meat below the nail, there was no blood just literaly put the entire nail on the ground. very sore and painful for quite sometime