Painless Harness Install



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
Reaction score
Seattle, Wa
OK, so I got my new harness. looking at the car, and looking at the harness, is kind of overwhelming.

For you guys that have done it before, where did you start?

Did you lable everything, rip the old one out completely, and match the new one with the old harness, or did you start from the tail lights and the headlights replace each section seperatly, or did you rip it all out and start with the fuse box and go from there?
It is very overwhelming...that HUGE roll of wire. But it's do-able. I did another brand of kit with a friend of mine in his car. We basically started in one area and went elsewhere.

Started out removing everything from the car factory (except the column wiring, turn/ign switches.) Pulled the seats and carpet out of the way as well.

Started out rolling everything to the trunk, to the trunk. Was good 'warm up' wiring i guess, then went up to the engine bay. Routed the wires, wrapped them up, did that. We did the stereo and dash last. Route/tuck whatever wiring first so you get your lenths as best as possible. We did nothing but solder/head shrink every connection. Wire ends got crimped/soldered/heat shrink. All came out very solid and was amazed that everything actually worked the first try!
Kit? what's that? I make all my ****! but anyway, It's really simple. It is a good idea to start from the back and work your way forward. Most of the aftermarket kits are labeled pretty good so you will have to try real hard to mess it up.
It normally freaks people out when they open the box. There is a lot of wire in a small area. Mount the fuse block and route the sections to where they roughly go and it will start getting a lot easier from there. Wire everything a section at a time. Don't try to make this one thing work before you go to the next. That will cause more issues than it will solve. Believe it or not it is easier to find a problem when everything is hooked up.