Paint issues

Good Progress ! Nothing wrong with letting that epoxy primer harden up, light sand and it's off to the races again.
Just make sure you sand that epoxy primer
to the grit finish you want in the end.
Always have to make sure any products with acid are correctly neutralized after.

I use Dawn soap and water followed by Wax and Grease remover, followed by Glass Cleaner and/or Isopropyl Alcohol. Each one removes different types of gunk to ensure there is nothing left on there to contaminate the paint.

What you have isn't solvent pop but you can get solvent pop by not letting the W&G remover flash long enough. Sometimes it takes 20-30 minutes. Then tack rag any dust that might have accumulated during that time and spray.
Well I Finally got it right on the 3rd try..I hit it with Epoxy primer, then filler prime and topcoat. No spots..!!!

Im sure it was some sort of contamination...I was pulling my hair out on that one!! good to get it behind me and get the steering column mounted.
I forget if you were using an aerosol or auto pro paint. There is a big difference, just like me spraying with a $40 gun vs the real bodyman using that $500 gun!!
Real epoxy will stick to just about any clean surface. If spraying I have a trap at the compressor, and use they little plastic throw away filters at the gun too. Water/oil from compressor can be a problem for sure.
I like that Marhyde brand epoxy in an aerosol if I have to use such. Big can but pensive for what you really get.
I sprayed the epoxy with my primer gun...its definitely not a $500. gun! maybe $100. but it was good for what I needed. I do need to get a better water trap.. I try to stay away from to much body work as it is not my thing.
FYI to anyone considering using fish eye eliminator, don't... It's silicone and will contaminate your paint environment forever..paint guns and so forth. It basically turns the entire panel into one giant fish eye.