Painted bumpers?



Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
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Ontario Canada
I have a fairly big spot on my bumper that the chrome is coming off. I read on here before that the "chrome" dupilcolor works pretty good. Should I strip the old chrome off? what about the back bumper? I want them to match but I dont want to ruin the chrome on the back bumper as someday I hope to get the front one chromed. How long would paint last over chrome? I would like it to look good for my wedding. I could paint it a few days before if it lasted.
Take a look at Jimmy boy's car you could do a good paint job on them then have them recrowmed later !! they do look good and in a short notice it will look very nice , especially in a photo. Go for it.
What I did on my 73 Duster340 was painted the parts on the bumper that were in bad shape. It came out amazingly good and I have had some fun with it because when I show people they can't believe it's painted. For example lets take the front bumper which was rusty on most of the flat surface on top. I carefully sanded it to remove the rust and smooth it out where the chrome was bad using different grits of emery cloth. Then I taped off the area to be painted using the lines of the bumper and sprayed the chrome paint on staying as light as I could near the tape so it would not leave a very noticeable paint line. Now when you look at it the real chrome on the edges shines and looks like new and the painted flat surfaces look like shadowed areas like real chrome shows on a bumper. It's a quick fix for sure but I was thrilled at how mine came out.
I would only rechrome the front one later as the rear looks perfect. I just want them to match. You can see how big the spot is from my profile pic, pass. side. So should I just rough up the chrome and prime it? what grit should I use?
I would only rechrome the front one later as the rear looks perfect. I just want them to match. You can see how big the spot is from my profile pic, pass. side. So should I just rough up the chrome and prime it? what grit should I use?

Not sure by your pic but that looks like a pretty big missing chrome patch? I don't think "really" your going to be able to get a match by leaving your rear one alone like you wish. I suggest you of course leave your rear alone and just re-paint your front to clean it up. With that chunk of chrome missing it may be difficult to even feather it into the rest of the bumper. "unsure"
Like any sanding try a ruff grit around the edge's and try to feather it some. The remainder of the bumper could just be rubbed with steel wool, cleaned and then painted with a few coats...

For the time being it should look fine or at least a lot better until you get it re-chromed. And,...besides who can see the front and back at the same time when your whipping by. I found so far the Dupi-Chrome the best for back shine.
Just paint the front for now and when you get some $ re-chrome it. No matter what it'll look better then it does now.
maybe i'll try just the front and see what it looks like. I was planning on a skim coat of glazing putty in the bad area as it is pitted a bit also. I bought the paint tonight and some filler primer. Hopefully do it this w/e. Here's a pic thats a bit better.

On that size :shock: I would use some kind of filler and sand it down.....Ya sure can't hurt anything!