Peanuts movie



Not a Nova
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
It was great.It stayed true to the old ones . Excellent movie.No gay crap no bad manners.No sexual crap.My wife took me :)
glad to hear it
I plan on taking my boy over the next weekend

(he had a bad haircut one day, and ended up looking just like Charlie Brown)
Cool to hear something classic,stays that damn way....
Glad to hear, thanks for posting. I mentioned to Lori that I wish the grandbabies were old enough to take them to it.
Glad they didn't change it and ruin it.

I agree, making Peppermint Patty any more of a tomboy would be upsetting.
I had read somewhere that they were going to "introduce" Peppermint Patti as a lesbian. I am glad that didn't happen........yet.
Has there ever been a full length movie? (2 hrs)
Ive seen the Great Pumpkin and of course Charlie Brown Christmas, but they were only hour long I believe.
She still likes Chuck.I always remembered her as a tomboy whom liked Charlie Brown

Same here, but I know I read somewhere they were going to do that in the new movie. I am glad they didn't.
Can't wait to go see it. Love snoopy.
I plan on taking my 6 year old son to see it this weekend. Glad to hear they didn't F' it up. Snoopy was always my favorite, especially Snoopy V The Red Baron!
I thought snoopy talks in the movie. The commercial showed what looked like, him speaking?