performer rpm vs airgap horsepower

Well even in 45 degree temps a heated intake is nice. Nights can get cold, same with mornings. Folks used to drive their hot rod cars year round. I miss the old days, hearing the engines scream as folks tried to rock the car out of the snow. The engines used to run really good in the winter, it was the lack of traction that wasn't fun. Most times the freeways were dry, then it was hot rod time, even in the mid its always wait and wait, if not at the traffic light, some place else.
it takes a while to warm up , but after it's warm no trouble .

Depends how cold it is. In 45 degree temps the intake gets ice cold after one good wot blast, then its warm up time again. Done it, never again. I leave the intake heat open year round now, even in 90 degree temps it was OK, wasn't too bad. Easier to live with then a non heated intake in 40 degree temps