Petronix ignition question



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
Reaction score
Seattle, Wa
Probably a dumb question.

In the instructions for use without a ballast it states:

blah blah blah, Remove the resistor and splice the disconnected wires together at a single point.

Do they mean splice the brown ignition wire and run it to the coil, or

splice both wires on the right hand side of the ballast, the blue and the brown, then run them to the coil seperatley?

What do you do with the black wire on the left side of the ballast?
yep what ted said. Make a jumper wire with the same size spade connector. (MALE) Plug it into the connectors (FEMALE) you just disconnected from the resistor. You can leave the resistor in place, strap the jumper down to it and it kinda looks like its still factory (stock)

the ballest resistor was a tricky,i just bought the pertronix II for my dodge dart i wanted to leave it on the fire wall still
easy fix when removing the right side connection on ballast, there is a small gap u can loop and soider the wire and run 12v