pit bulls OG roles in the household



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Aug 3, 2010
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i thought i'd share this article. enjoy.

the original link: http://beta.news.yahoo.com/blogs/upshot/pit-bulls-surprising-past-nanny-dogs-195612543.html
Pit bulls’ surprising past: Nanny dogs
By Claudine Zap | The Upshot – Thu, Jun 2, 2011

Try to quickly summon an image of good-with-small-children dog, and chances are you'll picture something adorably Benji-shaggy. Or maybe a sweetie-pie golden retriever, or a loveball of a lab. It's not likely, at least not in today's perception of the breed, that an American pit bull terrier leaps to mind.
But not so long ago, pit bulls were brought in as "nanny dogs," the trusted caretaker pups to watch over kids.
Vintage photographs recently posted on a personal blog show off the breed as babysitter.
More vintage photos of pit bulls with children

It's striking--and quite sad--to see such documentation of how beloved the now-maligned dog once was. The very same American pit bull is now more often associated with Michael Vick's dogfights, and stories of household pets gone bad, sometimes tragically involving kids.
In the case of Vick, who was convicted of running a dogfighting ring, 47 of the pit bulls from his kennel were taken to animal sanctuaries or adopted. One rehabilitated dog named Mel, who moved to Dallas with a new owner, even received an edible key to the city.
But back to the breed's history as a family dog: Helen Keller had a pit bull. Laura Ingalls Wilder, who wrote "Little House on the Prairie," owned one, too. And Petey, the mascot pup with the black eye patch in "The Little Rascals?" Pit bull.
Over time, the breed, which was also bred to battle bulls and fight other dogs, picked up a reputation for a nasty nature. Cesar Millan, the "dog whisperer" who is around the breed every day, says it's people who should be blamed, not the breed. He writes on his website, "Pit bulls get a bad rap because of irresponsible owners."
I currently have a male American Pit Bull Terrier and I have had them for almost 20 years along with my two female Staffordshire Bull Terriers and would not own any other breeds. We have had all of our dogs around kids from infants to teenagers and they got along great. Its all on how they are raised. The best breeds ever for families.
Excellent thread Gnome. A long ago friend had an APBT named Joshua and he was an awesome dog. I knew him for over ten years and I was there when it was time to put him down too. It was a very sad day.
I think the problem is three fold. First, people muddy the waters by crossbreeding pits with other dogs. That sometimes brings out bad traits. Then, some people train them to fight and or are mean to them. Lastly, the media grabs every story about pits they can find (almost always interbred dogs and you never hear that part) and splatters it all over the place. A purebred pit is a sweet dog as long as they are raised in a loving home.
mines crossbred with akita. Shes so sweet I'm afraid she might lick intruders instead of attacking them. Smartest and sweetest dog I've ever had though. The breed has gotten a bad name from bad people. I love my dog and would not trade her for anything, not even a original 4 speed hemi cuda or anything rarer.