Please reasd this

I also, am one of the oldest members, not just in age either,




Sorry Jack couldn't resist! :hello2:
That's alright Kev. Sometimes I feel like I'm not that far from one of those things. When I get one though, it will be Mopar powered. hehe
The wife just says, "I wish you were as wise as you are old".

this site sure have some personalitys on it, otherways i wouldnt have stayed this long since its not just alot of good help and nice pics its the people:)
just look at this page here is AdamR, Evilscamp, 7demon2, Ramcharger, Cojote Jack.,Oldvart and 360scamp all on the same page and have basicly been since 2004 or 2005 its a pretty long time:)
Hear, hear. The reason I keep reading this board is for information and the good jokes, etc. That is here in abundance without the egos and BS on other sites. I feel free to chime in whenever I feel like it with tips and info without fear of being ripped and the butt of jokes. If you're wrong about something you are gently corrected and we move on. The people here on a regular basis are such good people that is isn't hard to spot the occasional trouble maker. When you do run across one, just ignore him/her and move on. The admins will take care of the problem, but we should do what we can to avoid dragging them into the fray. They have more than enough to do for no pay. Contributions via PayPal are accepted. Mine is on the way when I get paid.
Two parting thoughts:
Adam, don't forget to factor in the cracked backs and bad knees mixed with cold weather for an increase in grumpiness.
Memike, Did you get your Valiant?????
Sorry to say "not yet" I go back to court in January [-o<
And to add to the pain ,I have not got a deer yet ether.
Darn things want to move and feed at night.:axe:
Thanks for asking
thanks for asking grumpuscreature.
I'm guilty of breaking the rules, I'm sorry. I know what a pain it is to run a board of this size and I should really be more helpful, instead of rebellious. Thanks for a great site!
I agree 100% like to keep this site the way that caused me to join up. I was a newb asking newb questions and no one shot me down, but were friendly and offered great expert advice and that means a lot, not someting you see everyday!:notworth: Thanks everyone, and thank you for this great place to meet up Adam and Joey