Please support my Small Business in obtaining a 250K Grant to grow and hire people!!!

With 20,000+ Members on here I dont see why you guys and I could not get enough votes.

Hang in there, you still have a whole Month to get the votes. Lets Pull together guys/gals, and git r done!
Right now PSC's exactly halfway with 125 after just four days. But what's kind of surprising is the extensive number of thread views compared with the number of votes. Guess FABO and FaceBook use isn't compatible or something -- I figured there would be a lot more.
Right now PSC's exactly halfway with 125 after just four days. But what's kind of surprising is the extensive number of thread views compared with the number of votes. Guess FABO and FaceBook use isn't compatible or something -- I figured there would be a lot more.

That was my problem no facebook. Only have an iPad. Eileen won't let me even look at the computer. However I did sweet-talk her into voting for you. I can be charming and charismatic when I have to. LOL
Now all I have to do is talk her into doing it for the other two.

Our fortyith anniversary is in a week I'll sweet-talk her then.
Man I need some gift ideas.
I clicked on the rectangle that says VOTE and then it changed to SUPPORTED. Is that right? If so I voted for all three of you, Tom, Leanna, and Mike.
Right now PSC's exactly halfway with 125 after just four days. But what's kind of surprising is the extensive number of thread views compared with the number of votes. Guess FABO and FaceBook use isn't compatible or something -- I figured there would be a lot more.

Maybe so Leanna, I never wanted to mess with Facebook, but joined so I could help you and our other business owners with this.
Bump for the evening crowd. Let's do this, just go to the link at the beginning of this thread, once you are there you'll search for Thomas Monaco and vote, it's easy!

While you're at it call the wife/kids/or whoever over to the computer and have them vote too!
Ya got our vote there lil buckaroo. Keep yer chin up an yer powder dry. Gonna talk my mom and kids into it, also.....
Hey Tom, I just helped Nella vote for you, Leanna and MRL also!! Hope you get all the votes you need!! I'll try to get as many other prople as I can to vote!! Problem is, Nella had to help me set up a facebook account and the only thing i've used it for is to vote for you guys!!LOL!! Good luck and keep the faith, Geof
Just came in for a bite to eat and to check on the tally so far. Thank you Geof and Nella! Every vote counts and is beyond appreciated at this stage.

PSC only needs TWO MORE VOTES now to secure a review by the Business Expert Panel. :-D If I was any happier about it I'd be a pair of giggling twins right now.
C'mon everyone, I'm sure we all know people with a Facebook account. Let's get Tom some votes going.

Bump for ya.

3000 posts:cheers: