Post your favorite movie scenes......Name the movie and scene...

Man on Fire....doesn't pay to be a bad dad that got mixed up with scum police and thugs trying to collect insurance on your kidnapped daughter. Have only watched that movie ohh about 5-6 times. It's a good one.
Scene is how to lose fingers...instead of answering questions.
Gone in 60 seconds(1973)

Here's only the first 8/9 minutes of this 43 minute chase scene.

Here's another classsic

and another

and yet another
Dartsport, What is that movie with Kurt Russel? Never saw it? Might have to go get it for tonight.
Dazed and Confused(1993)
Too many good scenes in this one too list, My favorite though, is the inside car shot of O'banion(Ben Affleck) and his buds running down the kid in his 73 Duster while Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" is playing . I get the same view of the road evertime I drive my 76(hood scoop and all).
Favorite scene's pretty obvious. This is one of the few movie car chases shot in full speed (and probably the first).

I have an article about the Mustang. The best part about the article was how the factory 390 Mustang had to be modified to keep up with the stock 440 Charger.
Anyone remember that movie where the Semi was chasing the Red Plymouth Scamp or Dodge Dart, seem like it took place out west in the Rockies! ?

I recall watching it with my Dad on a Sat or Sun afternoon movie before cable came to town in the late 70's!